
''Heavy Snatch Balance Triples & The Huelsman Huck'' (07.30.2011)

CrossFit New Hampshire will be open Saturday from 9-11am.

If you missed any heavy maximum effort lifts the past two weeks this would be an ideal time to make them up.

''Heavy Snatch Balance Triples'' (07.30.2011)
Work through 8 sets, each for three reps, focusing on clean execution of each rep and technique. Max Effort Snatch Balances are on the horizon, take advantage of this heavy training day.

Snatch Balance 3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3

Post loads to comments.

''The Huelsman Huck'' (07.30.2011)
Complete two hundred meters for time by throwing a 40lb slamball over your head as far as you can and running to where it stops. The ''Huelsman Huck'' as we affectionately call it must be started like a kettlebell swing, following through the athlete will simply launch the ball as far as they can.

Post times and loads to comments.


''Friday Night Fights'' (07.29.2011)

Warm-up Drills (07.29.2011)
Run 1200m
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
9 Fundamentals x 5 reps each (PVC/45lbs)
-Sumo Squats
-Shoulder Dislocates
-Inchworms/Cobra Stretch
-Scorpion Stretch
-Calf/Soleus Stretch

''Friday Night Fights'' (07.29.2011)

3-5 rounds for total reps/points of
1:00 x Row (kcal)
1:00 x Push Press (95/65lbs)
1:00 x Back Squat (95/65lbs)
1:00 x GHD Sit-ups
1:00 x Slamball/Hammer Strikes

Notes: In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On the call of "rotate" the athletes must move to next station immediately. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.
Those that want to endure the full 5 Rounds of mayhem must earn the right by racking up at least 300+ points within the first three rounds. Get Some.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.29.2011)
Swim: 3x(50m/y + 100m/y + 200m/y)
Bike: 3x(1/2mi + 1mi + 2mi)
Run: 3x(200m + 400m + 600m)
C2: 3x(250m + 500m + 750m)

Notes: Rest the exact amount of time it takes you to do each work interval. Example: Run 200m in 35 sec. rest 35 sec then 400m run, rest 400m time, run 600m, rest 600m time, run 200m, etc.

Post times to comments.


''Front Squats 3-3-3+ & Huskie Baby Helen'' (07.28.2011)

Warm-up Drills (07.28.2011)
Row 3 Minutes
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
2 Rounds of
10 x Medicine Ball Cleans (20/14lbs)
10 x Push-ups (CFGS)
-Samson Stretch
-Inchworms/Cobra Stretch
-Calf/Soleus Stretch
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall/band)

''Front Squats 3-3-3+'' (07.28.2011)
Work through the following sets of Front Squats using the percentages outlined below. Novice level lifters should multiply their single repetition maximum by .9 and use the resulting number to determining loads. On the last set the '+' means athletes may attempt to exceed the prescribed number of repetitions if possible.

5 x 40% (warm-up)
5 x 50% (warm-up)
3 x 60% (warm-up)
3 x 70%
3 x 80%
3+ x 90%

Notes:1-Rep Maximum/Percentage Calculator

''Huskie Baby Helen'' (07.28.2011)
4 Rounds for time of
Run 200m
12 x KB Swings (Heavy)
10 x Pull-ups (C2B)

Post times to comments.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (07.28.2011)


''Bench Press 5-5-5+ & Lacoste'' (07.27.2011)

Warm-up Drills (07.27.2011)
Run 800m
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
3 Rounds of
15 x Abmat Sit-ups
12 x Walking Lunges
9 x Push-ups
-Groiners/Wall Squats
-Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)
-ITB Stretch
-Inchworms/Cobra Stretch

''Bench Press 5-5-5+'' (07.27.2011)
Work through the following sets of Bench Press using the percentages outlined below. Novice level lifters should multiply their single repetition maximum by .9 and use the resulting number to determining loads. On the last set the '+' means athletes may attempt to exceed the prescribed number of repetitions if possible.

5 x 40% (warm-up)
5 x 50% (warm-up)
3 x 60% (warm-up)
5 x 65%
5 x 75%
5+ x 85%

Notes:1-Rep Maximum/Percentage Calculator

''Lacoste'' (07.27.2011)
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00 of
5 x Hang Power Clean (115/85lbs)
10 x Wallball (20/14lbs)
15 x Box Jumps (24/20'')

Post rounds/reps completed to comments.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.27.2011)
''Time Trial''

Post distances to comments.


''Deadlift 5-3-1+ & CFE 10xIntervals'' (07.26.2011)

Warm-up Drills (07.26.2011)
3 Rounds of
Speed Rope x 1:00
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
9 Fundamentals x 5 reps each (PVC/45lbs)
-Sumo Squats
-Shoulder Dislocates
-Inchworms/Cobra Stretch
-Scorpion Stretch
-Calf/Soleus Stretch

''Deadlift 5-3-1+'' (07.26.2011)
Work through the following sets of Deadlifts using the percentages outlined below. Novice level lifters should multiply their single repetition maximum by .9 and use the resulting number to determining loads. On the last set the '+' means athletes may attempt to exceed the prescribed number of repetitions if possible.

5 x 40% (warm-up)
5 x 50% (warm-up)
3 x 60% (warm-up)
5 x 75%
3 x 85%
1+ x 95%

Notes:1-Rep Maximum/Percentage Calculator

Skill Development (07.26.2011)
10 Rounds for maximum distance Rowing of
(:30 on x :20 Rest)

Notes: Maximum wattage possible for all working intervals.

Post total distance covered and average wattages to comments.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.26.2011)
10 Rounds of (:30 on x :30 rest)
Swim: Use pool or open water
Bike: Use a Monarch ERG, stationary bike with wattage tool or something similar that can hold a load of 200+ watts
Run: Use a treadmill, set at 12% grade at 0-30 sec slower pace per mile than best 5k pace. Do not reduce the speed!
C2: Use a damper setting 2-4 above personal preference.

Post distances to comments.


''Gavin'' (07.25.2011)

Warm-up Drills (07.25.2011)
Run 800m
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
2 Rounds of
6 x Deadhang Chin-ups
8 x Push-ups (CFGS)
10 x Knees-2-Elbows
-Samson Stretch
-Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)
-Inchworms/Cobra Stretch
-Scorpion Stretch

''Gavin'' (07.25.2011)
21-15-9 reps for time of
Power Snatch (95/65lbs)
Thrusters (95/65lbs)

Notes: Congratulations to the Rob and Kristine on their new son, Gavin. After being conveniently informed by Beiber (Justin) of Rob's most hated CrossFit movements we couldn't help but form this gem of a WOD to help celebrate the birth of their new family member. Get some, freaks.

Post times to comments.

Skill Development (07.25.2011)
3 Rounds at your own pace of
:15 x L-sit/V-sit
25 x GHD Sit-ups
10 x Floor Wipers

Notes: Anyone feeling frisky today is invited to substitute 2 x L-sit Rope Climbs for the L-sit hold portion of the Skill Development and Windshield Wipers (hanging from a barbell/rope) for the Floor Wipers.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.25.2011)
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
3 Rounds of
:30 sec on x :30 off,
:30 sec on x :25 off,
:30 sec on x :20 off,
:30 sec on x :15 off,
:30 sec on x :10 off,
:30 sec on x :05 off,
:30 sec on x Rest!

Notes: Rest 2:00 between each round. All work intervals are at maximal effort.

Post distances per round to comments.


''Heavy Push/Split Jerk 8x80/90/95%'' (07.23.2011)

CrossFit New Hampshire will be open Saturday from 9-11am.

If you missed any heavy maximum effort lifts the past two weeks this would be an ideal time to make them up.

''Heavy Push/Split Jerk 8x80/90/95%'' (07.23.2011)
Push/Split Jerk 3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1

Use 80-95% of your most recent 1 rep maximum Push/Split Jerk and execute 8 progressively heavier sets of 3,2, and 1 reps respectively while climbing as close to 95% of your 1RM as possible.
Minimum of 2:00 rest between efforts. Warm-up with loads less than 60%, strive to work on mechanics and technique before going heavier.


''Safety Brief & Acclimatization'' (07.22.2011)

Warm-up Drills (07.22.2011)
Run 800m
''Burgener Drill'' (PVC/2Rnds)
2 Rounds of
8 x Burpees
10 x Hip and Back Extensions
12 x Hollow Rocks
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)
-Scorpion Stretch
-Inchworms/Cobra Stretch

''Safety Brief'' (07.22.2011)
21-15-9 reps each of
DB Snatch (Right Arm)
DB Snatch (Left Arm)

Notes: Use a challenging load for the Dumbbell Snatches that allows for proper technique and execution. Toes-2-Bar, their substitute Knees-2-Elbow, or the substitute V-ups should all be done as strict as possible with any kipping negating the repetition.

Post times to comments.

''Acclimatization'' (07.22.2011)
Complete each Run interval for time:
800m Run x Rest the time it takes to run 800m
400m Run x Rest the time it takes to run 400m
200m Run x Done.

Post your times for all three run intervals to comments.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (07.22.2011)


''Front Squat 5-5-5+ & Phoebe'' (07.21.2011)

Today we suffer in celebration as we welcome Phoebe Yaris into the world!

Warm-up Drills (07.21.2011)
Row 750m
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
2 Rnds of
10 x KB Swings (24/16KG)
10 x Push-ups (CFGS)
10 x Goblet Squats (24/16kg)
-Sumo Squats
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall/band)
-Calf/Soleus Stretch
-Inchworms/Cobra Stretch
-ITB Stretch

''Front Squat 5-5-5+'' (07.21.2011)
Work through the following sets of Front Squats using the percentages outlined below. Novice level lifters should multiply their single repetition maximum by .9 and use the resulting number to determining loads. On the last set the '+' means athletes may attempt to exceed the prescribed number of repetitions if possible.

5 x 40% (warm-up)
5 x 50% (warm-up)
3 x 60% (warm-up)
5 x 65%
5 x 75%
5+ x 85%

Notes:1-Rep Maximum/Percentage Calculator

''Phoebe'' (07.21.2011)

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15:00 of
6 x Handstand Push-ups
12 x Atlas Stone Walking Lunges (75/40lbs)
24 x Double-unders

Notes: Hug an Atlas Stone or Medicine Ball into your gut for the walking lunges... and appreciate on some level what it might be like to carry the next generation around for 9 months. Congratulations to the Yaris's on their beautiful baby daughter.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.21.2011)
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
SC: 20 Minutes
LC: 60 Minutes
U: 90 Minutes

Post distances to comments.


''M.E. Bench Press & Tabata Journeyman'' (07.20.2011)

Warm-up Drills (07.20.2011)
Run 800m
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
20 x Burpee Jumping Pull-ups
-Sumo Squats
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)
-Inchworms/Cobra Stretch
-Scorpion Stretch

''M.E. Bench Press''(07.20.2011)
Warm-up with the percentage based sets/reps listed below (using your most recent 1-Rep maximum data to determine loads) before working up to a heavy single or new 1RM personal record.

5 x 40% (warm-up)
3 x 50% (warm-up)
3 x 60% (warm-up)

Bench Press 1-1-1-1-1

Notes:1-Rep Maximum/Percentage Calculator

''Tabata Journeyman'' (07.20.2011)
Complete the following in as few rounds of ''Tabata'' intervals as possible
Row 1500m
Complete as many reps as possible in 8 Rounds of ''Tabata'' intervals for each of the following movememnts
GHD Sit-ups/Anchored Abmat Sit-ups
Push Press (65/45lbs)

Notes: Immediately transition from the Rowing to the Sit-ups and from the Sit-ups to the Push Presses. Complete all intervals of each movement before moving on.

Post rounds to complete the Rowing, Total reps for Sit-ups/Push Presses to comments.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.20.2011)
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
5 Rounds of (3:00 on x 3:00 rest)

Post distance/speeds/wattages to comments.


''Deadlift 3-3-3+ & Jeffy B's Pacemaker'' (07.19.2011)

Warm-up Drills (07.19.2011)
Run 800m
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
2 Rounds of
5 x Deadhang Chin-ups
5 x Burpees
10 x Knees-2-Elbows
-Samson Stretch
-Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)
-Inchworms/Cobra Stretch
-Scorpion Stretch

''Deadlift 3-3-3+'' (07.19.2011)
Work through the following sets of Deadlifts using the percentages outlined below. Novice level lifters should multiply their single repetition maximum by .9 and use the resulting number to determining loads. On the last set the '+' means athletes may attempt to exceed the prescribed number of repetitions if possible.

5 x 40% (warm-up)
5 x 50% (warm-up)
3 x 60% (warm-up)
3 x 70%
3 x 80%
3+ x 90%

Notes:1-Rep Maximum/Percentage Calculator

''Jeffy B's Pacemaker'' (07.19.2011)
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps each for time of
Wallball (20/14lbs)
Medicine Ball Cleans (20/14lbs)

Notes: Hint to save the stumps... use your hips and perform each movement correctly.

Post times to comments.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.19.2011)
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
12 Rounds of (1:00 on x :30 rest)

Notes: Hold maximal Distance/Speed/Watts on each interval.

Post distances/pace/wattages to comments.


''Nancy's AMRAP'' (07.18.2011)

Warm-up Drills (07.18.2011)
Row 3 minutes
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
9 Fundamentals x 5 reps each (PVC/45lbs)
-Sumo Squats
-Shoulder Dislocates
-Inchworms/Cobra Stretch
-Scorpion Stretch
-Calf/Soleus Stretch

''Nancy's AMRAP'' (07.18.2011)
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20:00 of
Run 400m
15 x Overhead Squats (95/65lbs)

Post rounds/reps completed to comments.

Skill Development (07.18.2011)
30-20-10 reps each of
GHD Sit-ups
Hip and Back Extensions

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (07.18.2011)


''Heavy Snatch 8x80-90%'' (07.16.2011)

CrossFit New Hampshire will be open Saturday from 9-11am.

''Heavy Snatch 8x80-90%'' (07.16.2011)
Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Use 80-90% of your most recent 1 rep maximum Snatch and execute 8 reps total with a minimum of 2:00 rest between efforts. Warm-up with loads less than 60%, strive to work on mechanics and technique before going heavier.


''Lynne'' (07.15.2011)

Warm-up Drills (07.15.2011)
Run 800m
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
2 Rounds of
9 x Push-ups
12 x Back Extensions
15 x Air Squats
-Sumo Squats
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)
-Inchworms/Cobra Stretch
-Scorpion Stretch

''Lynne'' (07.15.2011)
Five rounds for maximum repetitions possible of
Bench Press (bodyweight)

Notes: Rest 1:00 between rounds.
1-Rep Maximum/Percentage Calculator

Post reps per round for each movement to comments.

Skill Development (07.15.2011)
30 x Turkish Get-ups

Notes: Use a weight that is challenging and necessitates correct technique/movement sequence. Athletes may break up the sets and reps as needed as long as each side completes 15 reps.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.15.2011)
''Time Trial''
Swim: 1000m TT
Bike: SC:12mile TT, LC:18mile TT, U:22mile TT
Run: SC:5k TT, LC:10k TT, U:10k TT
C2: SC:2km TT, LC/U:5k TT

Post times to comments.


''The Broomstick/Barbell Mile'' (07.14.2011)

Warm-up Drills (07.14.2011)
Row 1000m
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
3 Rounds of
5 x Deadhang Pull-ups
5 x Hindu Push-ups
10 x Air Squats
15 x Abmat Sit-ups
-Samson Stretch
-Shoulder Dislocates
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)
-ITB Stretch
-Calf/Soleus Stretch

''The Broomstick/Barbell Mile'' (07.14.2011)
25 x Back Squats
25 x Front Squats
25 x Overhead Squats
Run 400 meters
25 x Shoulder Press
25 x Push Press
25 x Push Jerk
Run 400 meters
50 x Squat Cleans
Run 400 meters
50 x Snatches
Run 400 meters

Notes: Athletes will use up to a 45lb barbell during their epic journey through this meat grinder of a WOD. Dropping Barbells or Broomsticks (PVC) on the deck during any part of the WOD will result in a burpee penalty (The Spaniard and his minions will be administering this tax in a range of 5-15 reps based on the gratuitous nature of the offense).
Placing the bar or pipe on the deck is fine should athletes need to rest.
This WOD is for time, yes, but the entire purpose behind it is an aggressive and repetitious practicing of many fundamental movements. Every rep should be executed through it's full range of motion as best as possible, crush this thing and come out the other end with some amazing gains in proficiency as well as overall fitness.

Notes:1-Rep Maximum/Percentage Calculator

Skill Development (07.14.2011)
Rest yourselves, foam roll, select a mobility WOD that focuses on a personal limiting factor in athletic performance and apply yourself completely in working through it.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.14.2011)
''5 x Intervals''
Swim: 5 x 200m holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then 5 sec per fastest 200m. 30 second recoveries.
Bike: 5 x 2km holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then 5 sec per fastest 2k. 90 second recoveries (1-3-5 should be the same, and 2-4 should be the same if done outside).
Run: 5 x 800m holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then 5 sec per fastest 800. 90 second recoveries.
C2: 5 x 1000m holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then 5 sec per fastest 1000m. 90 second recoveries.

Post times to comments.


''M.E. Front Squat & Ramming Speed'' (07.13.2011)

Warm-up Drills (07.13.2011)
Run 800m
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
2 Rounds of
6 x Deadhang Pull-ups
8 x Push-ups (CFGS)
10 x Air Squats
-Sumo Squats
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)
-Inchworms/Cobra Stretch
-Scorpion Stretch

''M.E. Front Squat'' (07.13.2011)
Warm-up with the percentage based sets/reps listed below (using your most recent 1-Rep maximum data to determine loads) before working up to a heavy single or new 1RM personal record.

5 x 40% (warm-up)
3 x 50% (warm-up)
3 x 60% (warm-up)

Front Squat 1-1-1-1-1

Notes:1-Rep Maximum/Percentage Calculator

''Ramming Speed'' (07.13.2011)
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20:00 of
Row 30kcal
10 x DB Squat Cleans (50/35lbs)
20 x Wallball (20/14lbs)

Notes: The ''Unbroken'' gauntlet has been thrown for the Squat Cleans and Wallballs.

Post rounds/reps completed to comments.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.13.2011)
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
4min on x 3min off
2min on x 30sec off
1min on x 3min off
2min on x 30 sec off
4min on x Done!

Post distances/speeds/watts to comments.


''Deadlift 5-5-5+ & The Spaniard'' (07.12.2011)

Warm-up Drills (07.12.2011)
Run 800m
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
3 Rounds of
7 x Medicine Ball Cleans (20/14lbs)
7 x Push-ups (CFGS)
-Samson Stretch
-Inchworms/Cobra Stretch
-Calf/Soleus Stretch
-Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)

''Deadlift 5-5-5+'' (07.12.2011)
Work through the following sets of Deadlifts using the percentages outlined below. Novice level lifters should multiply their single repetition maximum by .9 and use the resulting number to determining loads. On the last set the '+' means athletes may attempt to exceed the prescribed number of repetitions if possible.

5 x 40% (warm-up)
5 x 50% (warm-up)
3 x 60% (warm-up)
5 x 65%
5 x 75%
5+ x 85%

Notes:1-Rep Maximum/Percentage Calculator

''The Spaniard'' (07.12.2011)
Against a 15:00 running clock complete an 800m Run and then climb as high up an ascension ladder of Handstand Push-ups and L-sit Pull-ups as possible in the time remaining. (One rep of each the first round, two reps of each the second round, etc.)

Notes: Scaling for Handstand Push-ups will be either band assisted or a modified DB press followed by a :05 x Handstand Hold for each rep of Handstand Push-ups. L-sit Pull-ups will be subbed out for strict Knees-2-Elbows. Get some.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (07.12.2011)


''Push Press Heavy Triples & Rotsee'' (07.11.2011)

Warm-up Drills (07.11.2011)
Run 1200m
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
2 Rounds of
5 x Press (45lbs)
4 x Push Press (45lbs)
3 x Thrusters (45lbs)
-Sumo Squats
-ITB Stretch
-Scorpion Stretch
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall/band)

''Push Press Heavy Triples'' (07.11.2011)
Push Press 3-3-3-3-3

Notes: Warm-up with three sets of 5 reps each at weights that are below 60% of your 1-Rep Maximum Press. After warming up move onto the heavy Push Presses and work up to a three rep maximum using no more than 5 working sets.
The bar may not be re-racked or dropped between reps for each set to be legitimate.

Notes:1-Rep Maximum/Percentage Calculator

''Rotsee'' (07.11.2011)
Complete four rounds for time of
100ft x Overhead Walking Lunges (45/25lbs)
10 x Burpee Pick-ups (45/25lbs)
4-3-2-1 x Muscle-ups

Notes: Everyone can go ahead and high-five Bert for running his gums and earning this WOD today... the Overhead Walking Lunges were by request.
Athletes working to develop their Muscle-ups may scale to Pull-ups (x3 per MU rep) and Ring Dips (x3 per MU rep) or Modified Muscle-ups (x2 per MU rep), choose an appropriate assistance method for your current skill level.
Round 1 has 4 x Muscle-ups, Round 2 has 3 x Muscle-ups, etc.

Post times time to comments.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.11.2011)
Swim, Bike Run, or Row (C2)
Swim: SC:12min, LC:15min, U:35min
Bike: SC/LC:60min, U:80min
Run: SC:20min, LC:30min, U:60min
C2: SC:12min, LC:20min, U:40min

Post distances to comments.


Strength/Power and WOD Make-up Training (07.09.2011)

"Restlessness is discontent - and discontent is the first necessity of progress. Show me a thoroughly satisfied man - and I will show you a failure."
- Thomas Alva Edison

Strength/Power and WOD Make-up Training (07.09.2011)

Open Gym 9-11am.
Mint and his posse of wedding people-CrossFitters will be assaulting the ''Viking Fran'' experience, anyone who might have missed it yesterday is more than welcome to come join in the fray.
This time will also be available for those athletes that need to make up any heavy lift/strength training work from this past week or wish to cut their teeth on any recent WODs they might have missed out on.
Get some, freaks.


''Viking Fran'' (07.08.2011)

Warm-up Drills (07.08.2011)
Run 800m
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
12-9-6 reps each of
Thrusters (45lbs)
Barbell Row (45lbs)
-Sumo Squats
-Shoulder Opening Drill
-Inchworms/Cobra Stretch
-Scorpion Stretch
-Calf/Soleus Stretch

''Viking Fran'' (07.08.2011)
Complete for time
Row 250m
15 x Thrusters (155/105lbs)
15 x Pull-ups (30/15lbs)
Row 500m
12 x Thrusters (155/105lbs)
12 x Pull-ups (30/15lbs)
Row 750m
9 x Thrusters (155/105lbs)
9 x Pull-ups (30/15lbs)

Notes: Athletes need to take their time and warm-up for Thrusters/Pull-ups through progressive loads (similar to the methods used to prepare for heavy sets during % based days). The Weighted Pull-ups are done with body armor representing 30/15lbs respectively for male/female athletes, the armor stays on for the duration of this Viking nightmare.
If you are suffering through this slay-fest today feel free to return at 9am on Saturday to thank Mint and his posse of groomsmen for requesting such a sado-masochistic WOD... He's about to get married Saturday night and all this guy wants is a extra potent dose of CrossFitting pain. Epic win.

Post times to comments.

Skill Development (07.08.2011)
3 Rounds at your own pace of
:10 x L-sit/V-sit
15 x Back Extensions
15 x GHD Sit-ups
20 x Russian Twists (40/20lbs)

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.08.2011)
''Hill Repeats''
Swim: 10 x 100m/y holding fastest possible pace without deviating more than :05 sec… :15 sec recoveries
Bike: 4 x 2 mile hill repeats, holding fastest possible pace and not deviating more than 1 min per repeat. Recoveries are how long it takes you to come down the hill.
Run: 2 x 3/4 – 1 mile hill repeats holding fastest possible pace without deviating more than 1 minute and recovering 1 min before descending hill easy. Repeat after 1 min recovery at bottom of hill… treadmills use 7% grade, recover 2 min and repeat
C2: 3 x 1k repeats not deviating more than 10 seconds. 2 min recoveries

Post times to comments.

''Disciplined Abuse'' (07.07.2011)

Warm-up Drills (07.07.2011)
Run 800m
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
9 Fundamentals x 5 reps each (PVC/45lbs)
-Sumo Squats
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)
-Inchworms/Cobra Stretch
-Scorpion Stretch

''Disciplined Abuse'' (07.07.2011)
10 x Jump Squats (95/65lbs)
20 x DB Renegade Row (50/35lbs)
30 x KB Swings (32/24kg)
40 x Knees-2-Elbows
50 x DB Walking Lunges (50/35lbs)
40 x GHD Sit-ups
30 x KB Swings (32/24kg)
20 x DB Renegade Row (50/35lbs)
10 x Jump Squats (95/65lbs)

Post times to comments.

Skill Development (07.07.2011)
Choose one of the following five minute AMRAPs based on whichever skill set you feel is personally lagging/weak.

Complete as many rounds as possible in 5:00 of
1 x Rope Climb
5 x Handstand Push-ups

Complete as many reps as possible in 5:00 of

Notes: Strive to maintain proper technique with the priority being immaculate execution over total score/rounds completed.
Rope Climbs may be L-sits, legless, or with feet secured. Handstand Push-up scaling today will be 5 x Dumbbell Strict Presses followed by a :10 second static handstand hold against a wall.
Muscle-ups will be scaled to 4 x Deadhang Pull-ups and 4 x Ring Dips.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.07.2011)
8 Rounds of (:20 x :10rest)
Swim: Use pool or open water
Bike: Use a Monarch ERG, stationary bike with wattage tool or something similar that can hold a load of 200+ watts
Run: Use a treadmill, set at 12% grade at 0-30 sec slower pace per mile than best 5k pace.
C2: Damper Setting 8-10

Post distances to comments.


''M.E.Deadlift & Tiger Stripe'' (07.06.2011)

"From time immemorial, mankind has struggled for existence against the hazards of the elements, wild animals, pestilence, and a common enemy, fellow man. The determining factor in his ability to cope with the environment has rested largely up on the individual's own physical prowess, mental alertness, and general well being, for history records the story of a survival of the fit." --From Mass Exercise, chapter 1, The Need for Physical Education, United States Naval Institute, 1943

Warm-up Drills (07.06.2011)
Row 3 minutes
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
2 Rounds of
7 x KB Swings (24/16kg)
7 x Burpees
15 x GHD Sit-ups
-Inchworms/Cobra Strech
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)
-Calf/Soleus Stretch

''M.E.Deadlift'' (07.06.2011)
Warm-up with the percentage based sets/reps listed below (using your most recent 1-Rep maximum data to determine loads) before working up to a heavy single or new 1RM personal record.

5 x 40% (warm-up)
3 x 50% (warm-up)
3 x 60% (warm-up)

Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1

Notes:1-Rep Maximum/Percentage Calculator

''Tiger Stripe'' (07.06.2011)
Complete for time
50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of

Notes: Feeling Frisky? True Push-ups or Ring Push-ups might be just the thing if you're looking to up the sting on this one.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (07.06.2011)

''Press 5-3-1+ & Skulled'' (07.05.2011)

Warm-up Drills (07.05.2011)
Run 800m
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
3 Rounds of
5 x L-sit Pull-ups
5 x Push-ups (CFGS)
10 x Air Squats
-Sumo Squats
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)
-Inchworms/Cobra Stretch
-Calf/Soleus Stretch
-Scorpion Stretch

Notes: Scaling for L-sit Pull-ups will be 5 x Dead-hang Pull-ups followed by 5 x Knees-2-Elbows for each round of the warm-ups.

''Press 5-3-1+'' (07.05.2011)
Work through the following sets of Press using the percentages outlined below. Novice level lifters should multiply their single repetition maximum by .9 and use the resulting number to determining loads. On the last set the '+' means athletes may attempt to exceed the prescribed number of repetitions if possible.

5 x 40% (warm-up)
5 x 50% (warm-up)
3 x 60% (warm-up)
5 x 75%
3 x 85%
1+ x 95%

Notes:1-Rep Maximum/Percentage Calculator

''Skulled'' (07.05.2011)
Complete the following for time
Run 1 mile
20-15-10-5 reps each of
Sumo Deadlift High-Pull (95/65lbs)
Wallball (20/14lbs)

Post times for the 1 mile run as well as total workload to comments.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.05.2011)
''Time Trial''
Swim: 20min
Bike: 60min
Run: 60min
C2: 20min

Post times to comments.


''Fourth of July Holiday Homework WOD'' (07.04.2011)

CrossFit New Hampshire will be closed today for the Fourth of July Holiday. Normal hours will resume tomorrow.

''Fourth of July Holiday Homework WOD'' (07.04.2011)

Complete 7 Rounds of the following workload, each individually timed.
12 x Burpees
Sprint 100m

Notes: Rest exactly the amount of time it takes you to complete each round before repeating your next effort.

Post times to comments.

Skill Development (07.04.2011)
Walk 100m on your hands for time, or hold a handstand for an accumulated 2:00 total time.

Post any skill set training to comments.


Make-up WODs & Open Gym (07.02.2011)

CrossFit New Hampshire will be open Saturday for make-up WODs and other mayhem from 9am-11am.

We will be closed Monday, July 4th.

Don't fret... training for the day will be posted in a format that the die hards of our crew can work through on their own as they celebrate a holiday of freedom.

Tuesday normal hours resume. Bring the lumber.