Run 800m
''Burgener Drill'' (PVC/2Rnds)
2 Rounds of
8 x Burpees
10 x Hip and Back Extensions
12 x Hollow Rocks
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)
-Scorpion Stretch
-Inchworms/Cobra Stretch
''Safety Brief'' (07.22.2011)
21-15-9 reps each of
DB Snatch (Right Arm)
DB Snatch (Left Arm)
Notes: Use a challenging load for the Dumbbell Snatches that allows for proper technique and execution. Toes-2-Bar, their substitute Knees-2-Elbow, or the substitute V-ups should all be done as strict as possible with any kipping negating the repetition.
Post times to comments.
''Acclimatization'' (07.22.2011)
Complete each Run interval for time:
800m Run x Rest the time it takes to run 800m
400m Run x Rest the time it takes to run 400m
200m Run x Done.
Post your times for all three run intervals to comments.
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (07.22.2011)
Almost the exact same WOD came up on the CFFB programming a day or two ago... I like it.
"Safety Brief"
10:22 w/ 50# & T2B
Swim WOD this evening once I arrive in PA.
See you all next week!!!
Safety brief: 15:46 @ 25lb.
Acclimatization: 4:23/2:32/1:28
safety brief: 11:12 @ 40lbs
Acclimatization: 6:25/4:00/2:12
Steve and I wussed out today, feel free to come up with a "Bitch Tax" for us come monday. . .
I dont have inanimate objests for friends. how does a lamp type anyways? - steve
From home...
Safety Brief: 11:10. I subbed one-arm barbell power snatch at 65 pounds. Toes to bars as rx'ed.
Acclimitization: 3:40/ 2:23/ :43
Also let me be the first to congratulate Anne who completely kicked ass on her 6 mile ruck today. She has been working her ass off and it shows. She is the strongest most determined person I know and she is well on the way to her goals.
6 mile road march/ 35lb ruck helmet and weapon. Heat Cat 5 at 0730 this morning Web bulb read 94- it was awesome and sucked all at the same time.
1:33:08 (I had 7 min to spare)
Safety Brief
11:38 w/35# DB & T2B
Way to go Anne!!
Safety Brief @30lbs
"Aquatic Acclimatization"
Swim 200m - 5:57
[Rest 2x 200m time]
Swim 100m - 2:21
[Rest 2x 100m time]
Swim 50m - 1:03
I can safely say that was terrible.
my legs are sore.
Great job Anne!
Marcus, start posting your god damn scores.
I knew you'd crush that shit, and you're just getting started, freak.
HAHAHA, keep regulating, bert. And there's nothing safe about nearly drowning. Good intiative, bad judgement.
There can be only one LAMP. Much like there can be only one highlander.
Just testing
Safety Brief @ 60#
3:23, 2:00, :52
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