We are currently collecting food/clothing at CrossFit New Hampshire for the Liberty House Veterans Shelter Clothing/Food Drive. Any donations would go a long way to helping those that truly need it, please feel free to get a Kristina Dionne at kristina.dionne@snhu.edu for questions/concerns/additional details. Thanks to everyone so far who has shown amazing support in a very small window of opportunity.
**The Derryfield Country Club Children's Holiday Toy Drive
The Derryfield Country Club will be hosting a toy/gift drive for children this evening starting at 630pm. Why not come join us in celebrating the holiday season by giving some toys to kids?
Chris Hock (Mintimus) has brought a great charity event to our attention and in response we've already seen incredible acts of charity, massive toy donations, and tonight we're expecting almost every athlete from CrossFit New Hampshire to rally up at the Derryfield for some good fun and holiday giving.
We're hoping everyone continues to bring in whatever they can spare for donation to the host organization which will provide the items gathered as gifts to children that generally expect to find nothing under the tree each year.
This is also going to be a wild time, according to everyone... Festivities will be continuous.
Warm-up Drills (12.16.2011)
Row 3 Minutes
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
9 Fundamentals x 5 reps each
-Samson Stretch
-Calf/Soleus Stretch
-Scorpion Stretch
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)
9 x Burpees (Thanks Joel)
''David and Goliath'' (12.16.2011)
Complete for time
5 x Muscle-ups
Dumbbell Bear Complex (50/35lbs)
4 x Muscle-ups
Dumbbell Bear Complex (50/35lbs)
3 x Muscle-ups
Dumbbell Bear Complex (50/35lbs)
2 x Muscle-ups
Dumbbell Bear Complex (50/35lbs)
1 x Muscle-up
Dumbbell Bear Complex (50/35lbs)
Scale Muscle-ups as needed, starting with 3 x Ring Dips and 3 x Deadhang Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups for each Muscle-up rep.
One round of the Dumbbell Bear Complex is looks like the following 'chipper' style circuit:
7 x Push-ups on Dumbbells
7 x DB Burpee Deadlift
7 x DB Hang Power Clean
7 x Front Squat
7 x Push Press/Jerk
Post times to comments.
Skill Development (12.16.2011)
Choose one of the following 3 options and work through it based on current weak points/lagging skill sets:
1. L-sit x 8 Rounds (of :10 on x :20 rest)
2. 3-5 Rounds of Row x Max Wattage (must be with 10 x pulls or less), rest as needed between efforts.
3. Using a weight that is challenging but doesn't force improper technique or failed range of motion execute 30 x Overhead Squats at your own pace, looking for sets of 3-5 reps each.
Post after action reports to comments.
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (12.16.2011)
''Hill Repeats''
Swim: 10 x 100m/y holding fastest possible pace without deviating more than :05 sec… :15 sec recoveries
Bike: 4 x 2 mile hill repeats, holding fastest possible pace and not deviating more than 1 min per repeat. Recoveries are how long it takes you to come down the hill.
Run: 2 x 3/4 – 1 mile hill repeats holding fastest possible pace without deviating more than 1 minute and recovering 1 min before descending hill easy. Repeat after 1 min recovery at bottom of hill… treadmills use 7% grade, recover 2 min and repeat
C2: 3 x 1k repeats not deviating more than 10 seconds. 2 min recoveries
Post times to comments.
David & Goliath...34:46
25 x burpee
"David & Goliath"
10 x burpees
WHAT? Chris& Samy, its the second time I miss a crazy WOD and muscle ups are part of the WOD... ggrrrr
Another reason for me to crush my physical Exam on Sunday the 18th, I wish I had a crossfit t-shirt!
thanks dudes :)
David & Goliath: 20:43 60lbs 20 Burpees
Ah. All three main food groups. Cow heart, spaghetti squash, and five hour energy.
"David and Goliath"
pullups&ring dips
25# DB
"David and Goliath" MOD
bodyrows/bench dips 15/12/9/6
5x Bear Complex w/12#DB
Time = 25:32
"David & Goliath"
red band ring dips and 30# DB
Time = 26:32
50lb db's 3 dhpu 3 pb dip's
David and Goliath
w/ 50# DB's
Scaled 1MU= 3C-2-B Pull-ups+6 dips
Skill Development
30x Overhead Squats @ 115#
David and Goliath
38:25 with 25 burpees (55#, 50#, 25#)
instead of cow heart went home and had a slew of xmas cookies. so much for paleo this morning.
Mike V.
18:55 as Rx'd.
- A Mick amidst Germans
"Noob Break in" (That's what I'm calling it)
3 rounds-5 Deadlift/5 Burpees(205lbs)
Run 200m
2 rounds-5 Deadlift/5 Burpees(205lbs)
Run 200m
1 round-5 Deadlift/5 Burpees(205lbs)
Run 200m
"David and Goliath"
red ban ring dips
#35/30 DB
David and Goliath
21:07 pullups/ring dips w/red band
David and Goliath
15 burpee penalty
L-sit work because the wrist isn't quite where I would want it to be in order to place a heavy load on it during OH Squats. Findings: Lots of room for improvement should I have the mental discipline to do so.
17:11, 50lbs
Not a single MU
David and Goliath (Muscle ups and 50lbs)
25 burpee tax
David and Goliath...21:02rx
I did this saturday after the xmas party enough said
26: and some change had to do 15 burps for putting down the weights so i could puke
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