Paleo Challenge Final results write-up will be at the heading of tomorrow's post, top 2 finishers will be announced as well as several amazing 'honorable mentions'... we just saw way to many amazing efforts coupled with unreal results not to blow up everyones' tales of glory all together.
This community of ours continues to grow into something wonderful to be a part of, thanks to everyone who participated.
Warm-up Drills (12.28.2011)
Row 2 Minutes
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
17 x Burpees (Thanks Joel)
-Sumo Squats
-Inchworms/Cobra Stretch
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)
-Scorpion Stretch
''No Rest For The Wicked II.'' (12.28.2011)
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15:00 of
5 x Pull-ups (C2B)
10 x Ring Push-ups
15 x Air Squats
Number of Rounds x Dumbbell Burpee Ground-2-Overhead (50/35lbs)
Notes: Round 1 has one rep of Dumbbell Burpee Ground-2-Overhead (50/35lbs), Round 2 has two reps of Dumbbell Burpee Ground-2-Overhead (50/35lbs), continue as long as you can before time expires.
Ring Push-ups are for those who can execute 20 reps x Push-ups 'Unbroken' without an issue.
Each rep of Dumbbell Burpee Ground-2-Overhead should be self explanatory for the movement range of motion... Yes, this is a word problem. Solve on your own before arriving.
Oh, what's that? Frisky today? Gas mask and body armor party, everyone's invited.
Notes:1-Rep Maximum/Percentage Calculator
Skill Development (12.28.2011)
4 Rounds of
L-sit x Max Time
Rest work time x 3 before repeating
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (12.28.2011)
No Rest For The Wicked II:
5 rounds + 5/10/15/2
No rest for the wicked 2: 8rnds + 1 air squat
No rest for the wicked:
5 rounds and 2 burpees.
No rest for the wicked
6 rounds + 1 burpee. :p
"No Rest for the Wicked II"
5 rounds 5/10/10 (Blue band)
No Rest for the Wicked II (60# + Vest)
5rounds + 1 burpee
No Rest
5rnds + 5pu/10rpu/2 squats
45lbs/Blk band
''No Rest For The Wicked II.''
5 rounds + 5/10/15
(50lb kbs)
"No Rest For The Wicked II"
15:00 AMRAP
5 x Pullups [Dead Hang (C2B)]
10 x Ring Pushups
15 x Air Squats
N x DB Burpee Ground-2-Overhead
6 Rounds + 3/-/-/-
50# Dumbbells
Skill Development
4 Rounds (1:3 - WORK:REST)
L-sit x Max Time
5 rds
Mike V.
"No Rest For The Wicked II"
5 rounds + 5 pull-ups w/blue band
25# DB
No Rest For The Wicked II
8 rounds 6 airsquats
No Rest for the Wicked II
6 Rounds
40lb DB
Gas Mask and Vest
Thanks to Mark for readjusting the muscles!!! Knee feels great!
No rest for the wicked 2
6 rds + 5/10/15 w/75# DB
No rest for the wicked II: 5 rnds
(MOD)Body Rows/12#DB
No rest for the wicked II: 6 rnds
w/50# DBs
jumped back into the fire today after a long semester
No Rest For The Wicked Part II:
5 rounds (35# DB, unassisted pull-ups from the rafters of my dad's garage)
6 rounds +5 burpees @45lbs
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