Row x 1000m (technique)
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
-Sumo/Wall Squats
-ITB/Hamstring Stretch
-Scorpion Stretch
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)
''Head Rush'' (01.11.2012)
Complete for time
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps each of
Hang Clean (115/85lbs)
GHD Sit-ups
Notes: Hang Cleans may be Hang 'Power' Cleans or 'Squat' Cleans. Scale GHD Sit-ups to Abmat Sit-ups if you still have significant difficulty maintaining a stable midline (do not arch your back), are unable to aggressively extend your knees during trunk flexion, or find that 15 unbroken reps is extremely difficult.
When I personally find myself itching to run face first into a WOD that I should be scaling the quote: ''All Glory Is Fleeting'' usually sobers me up... just because it happens to be some arbitrary 'standard' or a CrossFit competition format does NOT always coorrelate to an end result that has provided me with the most potent training stimulus. Heavier, faster, tougher, harder... It's all worthless unless it's done right.
Get some, freaks.
1-Rep Maximum/Percentage Calculator
Wendler's 5-3-1 Training Spreadsheet
Post times to comments.
Skill Development (01.11.2012)
3-5 Rounds for quality of
Max Time x Ring Support Hold
Notes: Scale to Static Holds (static dip position) or use the rings in a Push-up position. Do your best to remind yourselves throughout the skill development today that this drill is as much a hollow body position hold as it is the top/lockout of a Ring Dip. Turn out 45 degrees if possible.
Oh, and stop stressing out because I forgot to post it yesterday, Joel...
Burpee Challenge (Optional)
26 x Burpees
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (01.11.2012)
Swim, Bike, Run, C2
9 Minute Time Trial at maximal effort.
Post distances to comments.
Head Rush...18:55
115# & Abmat Sit-ups
Skill Development
Head Rush 18:16 rxd
head rush 16:38
skill development
:32/ :28/ :20/ :28/ :25
after the 3rd round rested for 1:30 between the remaining rounds.
Head Rush
10:00 @95lbs
Head rush: 9:57 @ 135
Head rush - with dbl 24kg kb's and ab mat sit ups
"Head Rush"
Complete for Time
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps each of
Hang Cleans @ 115
GHD Sit-ups
Skill Development
5 Rounds for Quality of
Max Time x Ring Support Hold
Time = 17:22
Headrush 13:10 rx'd (115#)
Skill development :20/:18/:22/:30
Mike V.
11:23 135# (Weakest grip east of the Mississippi, don't worry Mint you still hold the weakest ankles title)
"Head Rush"
Ab mat sit-ups
Head Rush
115# Squat Cleans
20# Medicine Ball Sit-Ups
Head Rush
15:34 @85# & Abmats
Ring Support :42/:25/:28/:22/:21
Head Rush (135lbs)
9:11 135lbs
Not sure if I can remember the times from the Ring Support Holds, it really just kind of filled me with loneliness dangling there for a minute or so all by myself.
Head Rush
15:36 135#
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