This change of time will better support/facilitate the new schedule and training curriculum.
Warm-up Drills (01.06.2012)
Row 2 Minutes
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
9 Fundamentals x 5 reps each (45lbs)
-Sumo Squats
-Scorpion Stretch
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)
-Calf/Soleus Stretch
''Whippet'' (01.06.2012)
For Time:
10 x Front Squat (155/115lbs)
20 x Double-unders
8 x Front Squat (155/115lbs)
30 x Double-unders
6 x Front Squat (155/115lbs)
40 x Double-unders
4 x Front Squat (155/115lbs)
50 x Double-unders
2 x Front Squat (155/115lbs)
60 x Double-unders
Notes: The 8 & 9 am classes need to ensure they apply some noise/drop control please, use racks as necessary.
1-Rep Maximum/Percentage Calculator
''Bouncing Bettie'' (01.06.2011)
Complete as many rounds as possible in 6:00 of
7 x Ring Dips (strict)
15 x Slamball (20/14lbs)
24 x Burpees (Thanks Joel)
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (01.06.2012)
''Tempo 85-95%''
Swim: 1000m/y total at 85% for the first 500m/y, 95% for the last 500m/y
Bike: 20 miles total at 85% for the first 10 miles, 95% for the last 10 miles
Run: 10km total at 85% for the first 5km, 95% on the last 5km
C2: 3000m total at 85% for the first 1500m, rest for 1 minute, 95% for the last 1500m
Post times and notes on terrain to comments.
Whippet - 16:22 @ 95lbs.
Bouncing Bettie: 4 rds (static dips)
Whippet: 6:45 @ 155lb
Bouncing Bettie: 4 + 6 slam balls
whipper 19:38
bouncing better: 3+ 2 ring d
12:20 135lb (Switched to single unders after the 3rd round)
"Bouncing Bettie"
4 rounds 20lb slamball
whippet 8:47 (155# & single unders)
bouncing bettie 2+7/2
Mike V.
whippet in 14:39 (single unders, 155 lbs) and 3 rnds for Bouncing Betty. in a kilt.
front squat 65#
DU attempts
"Bouncing Bettie"
ring dips w/blue band
3 rounds+7+5
8:41 rx'd
I felt like Huelsman doing the first couple sets of DUs.
*Single, single, single, single, single, double, FAIL*
"Leaping Susan"
4 rounds even
Muscle up into dips
40# slambball
Additionally, did my burpees in the warm-up (Thanks, Joel).
"Whippet" 155# Time 5:21. Part 2. 4rds plus 6 slamballs. Danny
Bouncing Bettie - 21 dips and 24 burpees
1 round + 21 dips and 3 burpees
5:14 MOD-130lb backsquats
24 burpees in 1:05
done and done.
Whippet: 14:55 75#/SU 4x
Bouncing Bettie: 5 rounds + 3 slamballs (red band ring dips, 20#)
Whippet @ 115#/SUx4
Bouncing Bettie
4 Rounds + 7/9
5:57 rx'd
Bouncing Bettie
5 rounds
20lbs/ muscle-up into dips
12:15 w 115# on the rack
4rnds + 4 ring dips w red band
Whippet + my new mask
135lb, SUs
Bouncing Bettie + mask
6rds + 1 RD
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