Please contact us ahead of time to come down and register/set-up a payment schedule. This will help our coaches alleviate any of the hectic rushing around we tend to see prior to a new intro course getting underway.
CFNH athletes are currently foaming at the mouth for the 2012 Games Opens competition and it would only add to the excitement should we see every single athlete competitively interested register both individually as well as for our team this year.
It matters not what level you think you're currently representing as far as CrossFit athletes go, everything is scalable as we will be hosting the 5 weekly Open WODs on both an individual facility level (so everyone can participate) as well as for those with aspirations to compete globally.
Last year was an UNREAL experience over the 6 weeks of ruthless trench warefare, and we can only hold our breath and wait to see what kind of madness the 2012 Opens bring...
Got questions about what it was like for us last year? What to expect? Perspective on current competitor levels and the various competition brackets available? See any of your coaches for more details or assistance with the registration process (don't fret about asking, even Danny will probably need help since it requires using technology).
Warm-up Drills (01.30.2012)
Run 800m
3 Rounds of
7 x Medicine Ball Cleans (40/20lbs)
7 x Push-ups
-ITB Stretch
-Shoulder Mobility
-Samson Stretch
Notes: Before starting the WOD today each athlete needs to make sure they have all the gear necessary/set-up required as well as an overview/understanding of how everything will be run; It may seem simple but being awake, focused, and ready for this test will inevitably better each athletes potential score.
Set-up the necessary weight for Back Squats and take one to three warm-up sets as necessary during the prep time given by your coaches.
Grab a jump rope and establish which test (scaled or Muscle-ups) is applicable for part II.
Scrap paper etc is also a great idea so no one has an excuse to 'forget' their scores.
''Triple Ven-Diagram I.'' (01.30.2012)
Read this WOD as a three part AMRAP
Part I. Bodyweight Back Squat Test:
Against a 5:00 running clock each athlete will only be allowed to unrack the barbell up to 5 times to establish the following two Back Squat scores:
1. Max unbroken reps of Back Squat (Bodyweight) and,
2. Total repetitions across all attempts and within the time limit provided.
*Athletes will be given a 1:00 transition time from Part I. to Part II to jot down scores and prep for the next 3-2-1 G0... Rings and Pull-ups stations will be set-up near the GHD's for those requiring the Scaled Pull/Push Test.
Part II. Gymnastics Capacity Test:
Against a 6:00 running clock perform one of the following Muscle-up tests (Pull-up/Dip modification Test for those still working on it)
Max Muscle-ups x 6:00
3 Rounds for max reps each
1:00 x Scaled Vertical Pull
1:00 x Scaled Vertical Dip (Push)
*Again, athletes will be given 1:00 to jot down their scores and transition to the final portion of today's testing, see below:
Part III. Skill Dependent Work Capacity Test:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10:00 of
15 x Wallball (Unbroken)
30 x Double-unders
Post this information to comments: Back Squat max unbroken reps/total reps, total muscle-ups or total scaled Pull/Push, total rounds completed. Make notes based on how movements were scaled for future comparison and progress charting.
Expect to see more of this format now that we've got some awesome class times to use as a vehicle for greater depth in daily training curriculum.
Burpee Challenge (Optional)
39 x Burpees
Notes: Ummm... I'm not sure if I'm the only one still doing these damn things... the slow climb to 50 is excruciating. Thanks a lot, Joel.
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (01..2012)
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
5 min on x 2:30 min off
6 Min on x 3 min off
7 Min on x Done!
Post distances to comments.
Triple Venn Diagram I
1. Back Squats (185#) 10/30
2. Pull Ups (Black Band)...26
Bench Dips...29
3. 3 Rounds + 15 + 80 Singles
"Triple Venn Diagram I"
1) Back Squat (#215) 13/36
2) Pull-ups 24 (Blue band)
Ring Dips 29
3) 3 rounds + 15/65 singles
Triple Venn Diagram I
1. Back Squats (175#) 15/40
2. Pulls Ups - 30; Vert Dips - 60
3. 4 rounds + 15 Wallballs
Triple Venn Diagram I
Back squats (235#) 29/50
Pull-ups 32 Ring Dips 18
Wallballs/SU's 4rds + 7wb
Mike V.
"Triple Ven-Diagram I"
Part I: 85# 9/31
Part II: pull-ups 8/19
static dips 7/18
Part III: wallball 2
DU 2
Back Squat 105# x 15/50
Pull-ups/ring dips (red) = 18/36
Wallball/double unders= 4 rnds + 13 wallball
Back Squat 195# 12/35
Muscle Ups 20
Wallball/DU 4 rds 5 wallballs
- Bieber
Triple Ven-Diagram I:
Squat (205): 10/37
Muscle ups: 14
Wallball/DU: 5+18DU
"Triple Ven Diagram""""
B. Squats 205# 1.25x BW 40/66 reps
Muscle Ups 30 Reps
Wall Balls/ Double Unders 7 Rds + 11 Reps
Cowboy Up Danny
"Tripple Venn Diagram I"
Back Squat: 25/52 @ 175 (BW x 1.0)
Muscle Ups: 16
Wallball/DU: 6 rounds + 9 reps
Triple Venn Diagram I
Back Squats: (145#)13/31
Pullups/Ringdips: 45/30
Wallball/84SU: 3 Rouinds
Triple Venn Diagram I
Back Squats 115#(BW) 23/51
Muscle Ups: 13 (PR!)
Wallball/Doubleunders RXd 3rds+8
4 Rounds for Time:
10x Push Press(100#)
10 x Pull-Ups
10x Parallette Push-Ups
10x K-2-E
10x Burpee Broad Jumps
Run 200 meters
1) 15/47 @ 135
2) 21
3)5rnds + 10wb @20lbs
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