Run 800m
-Shoulder Mobility (priority)
-Scorpion Stretch
-Sumo Squats
-Calf/Soleus Stretch
Practice for quality:
10 x Parallette Shoot-Through Complex
''Press 5-3-1+'' (01.26.2012)
Work through the following sets of Presses using the percentages outlined below. Novice level lifters should multiply their single repetition maximum by .9 and use the resulting number to determining loads. On the last set the '+' means athletes may attempt to exceed the prescribed number of repetitions if possible.
5 x 40% (warm-up)
5 x 50% (warm-up)
3 x 60% (warm-up)
5 x 75%
3 x 85%
1+ x 95%
Notes: 1-Rep Maximum/Percentage Calculator
Wendler's 5-3-1 Training Spreadsheet
''Shoots & Ladders'' (01.26.2012)
Against a 15:00 Running clock execute the following workload of Parallette Shoot-Through complexes before storming up the ascension ladder of Front Squats and L-sit Pull-ups.
35 x Parallette Shoot-Through Complex
Climb as high up the following Ascension Ladder (odd numbers only) of:
Front Squat (155/115lbs)
L-sit Pull-ups
Notes: The Parallette Shoot-Through Complex begins with a Push-up in a forward lean position (hands on the parallettes, set at shoulder width), the athlete will then pull their knees to their chest and jump their body through the parallettes keeping the arms straight. Hips must be open fully once the feet land in front of the parallettes before completing one dip. Jump back through the same way for one complete repetition... repeat until enjoyment is overwhelming.
In order to complete the WOD using L-sit Pull-ups athletes will be asked to demonstrate a pure Deadhang Pull-up with feet extended out in front of their body (L-sit Position), heels held above the level of the hips, and knees completely locked out. If there is an inability to attain this position or execute a Pull-up while holding it then our coaches will help scale the movement according to current abilities. Examples: Pull-ups + Strict Toes-2-Bar, Knees-2-Elbows, or a cumulative workload of seconds held in the L-sit position (static).
Everyone will most likely experience some frustration at first, especially if an inattention to sloppy execution has been overlooked in the past. Please try to remember that the priority here is to DEVELOP THE SKILL; only caring about living in the moment for this one particular WOD is a great way to get nothing out of your training outside of altering hydration levels. Pride is pestilence.
Get some, freaks.
Burpee Challenge (Optional)
37 x Burpees
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (01.26.2012)
Press: 70x5
"Shoots & Ladders"
7 front squats (115 lb)
2 K2E
Press: 145# x 3
"Shoots & Ladders"
7 front squats (135#)
5 pull ups (black band)
Shoots and Ladders...Compleated 7, then 9 front squats, 4 LSits
Press 5,3,1+
Warm-up Sets: 60x5, 70x5, 80x3
Working Sets: 100x5, 115x3, 130x7
"Shoots & Ladders"
Against a 15:00 Running clock:
35 x Parallette Shoot-Through Complex
Climb as high up the following Ascension Ladder (odd numbers only) of:
Front Squat (155)
L-sit Pull-ups
Climbed to Rung 9
Press 135x4
"Shoots and Ladders" 9 Rds complete + 6 F. Squats 185#
Elohim Jr.
Shoots and Ladders
9 Rounds +11/3
Press 145x3 (all done with presses for awhile until my shoulder heals up)
Shoots and Ladders 7 @ 185#
Mike V.
Press 155 x 4
Chutes and Ladders 9 rounds +11/4
Press 5-3-1+
"Shoots and Ladders"
7 + 7 pull-ups
Press 3,3,3+
Shoots and Latters
35 Burpees
Completed 9 + 6 Front Squats
140 X 3
7 rounds + 9/8
Press 135x5
Shoots & Ladders
9 rounds & 4 FS
11rnds + 10FS
Shoots & Ladders
11 rounds
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