Run 800m
3 Rounds for quality of
5 x Deadhang Pull-ups
7 x Push-ups
9 x Hollow Rocks
-Sumo/Wall Squats
-ITB/Hamstring Stretch
-Scorpion Stretch
-Shoulder Mobility
*Warm-up for the Deadlifts using 2-3 sets at a minimum. The better the warm-up the better the performance of each athlete is likely to be. 'Attention to Detail'.
''The Element'' (02.21.2012)
5-7 Rounds for time of
2 x Deadlift (315/205lbs)
5 x Dumbbell Thrusters (50/35lbs)
10 x Ring Dips
Notes: Coaches will assign the number of rounds for each athlete today. Scale loads/movements as necessary, keeping Ring Dips as strict as possible (hollow body position, look for turn out at the finish of each rep). Body armor optional for those needing to scale the Deadlift weight up, use a vest before adding pounds. Shake the earth.
Post times to comments.
Skill Development (02.21.2012)
30-20-10 reps each of
Hip and Back Extensions
GHD Sit-ups
Burpee Challenge (Optional)
55 x Burpees
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (02.21.2012)
The Element
7:36 (muscle ups into dips)
"The Element"
5 rounds
2x Deadlift (295lb)
5x Dumbbell Thrusters (50lb)
10x Ring-dips
11:00 (Ring-dips killed the time)
"The Element"
Complete 7 Rounds for Time
2 x Deadlift @ 315
5 x DB Thrusters @ 50
10 x Strict Ring Dips (Muscle-up 2 Dips)
Skill Development
30-20-10 Reps for Quality
Hip & Back Extensions
GHD Sit-ups
Notes: I enjoyed the booby trap today. Deadlifts absolutely wreck the midline for the hollow body position during strict ring dips.
"The Element"
static dips w/red band
The Element
2x 405# Deadlift
5x 100# KB Front Squat
10x Pull-up with 15# Vest
5 Rounds completed
Mike V.
The Element
Deadlift @ 205
DB Thruster @ 40
9:03 for time
The element: 6:22
"The Element" -You never know what happens when you are subject to the "elements."
5 rds
355# DL
60# DB Thrusters
Ring dips
Time: 7:59
The Element...11:30rx w/MU's
"the element"
7 rnds w 175#, 30#, red band
time= 18:17
Or when you are left behind at "The Element"...
The Element
5 Rounds- 205/40#
this gibberish we need to "code" in is absolutely third try as the shaded one is difficult to differentiate some letters.
Make it stop!!!
The Element
5 rounds -315/45#
The Element
315/50# 7 rounds
The Element
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