
''HSPU Training/Development & The Art of Studentry'' (09.07.2012)

Bert + Bored = Strange motivational photoshop productions centric to Burpees... 
Duly Noted, Bert. Duly noted.

Warm-up Drills (09.07.2012)
Run 800m
''Burgener Drill'' (2Rnds/PVC)
2 Rounds of
20ft Duck Walk
20ft Crab Walk
20ft Bear Crawl
20ft Leg Kicks
20ft Lateral Lunges
20ft Inchworms/Hollow Support
**Additional Mobility as necessary.

Skill Development (09.07.2012)
**Spoiler Alert: Yes, today we're reversing our order of training to reduce the frequency of fatigue related 'epic fail-fall on your own face' situation that often accompanies any handstand skill training/strength training post-WOD**
I. For those that have full range of motion handstand push-up abilities already developed:
Handstand Push-ups x 5-5-5-5-5 (Scaled as necessary)
II. For those still working on the requisite confidence during inversion or strength to perform a strict Handstand Push-ups:
5-10 x Wall Walks or Kick-ups into a Handstand Hold against the wall (based on athlete's current confidence in the Handstand position)
15-25 reps x Current HSPU Mod at own pace

Notes: Option I is self explanatory. Option II will rely on the coach and athlete present to establish a challenging series of drills with the following priorities in mind: Develop strength through quality scaled ROM HSPU substitutes, if possible learn and practice moving into a supported (wall) inverted Handstand Position safely, with confidence, and an understanding of how to bail out if necessary. Yessssssss.

''The Art of Studentry'' (09.07.2012)
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of
Front Squat (1xBW)
DB Snatch (alt.sides)

Notes: Scale loads as necessary for Front Squats/DB Snatch. Pull-ups should be deadhang (no kipping) until each athlete has progressed to a point where deadhang bodyweight Pull-ups can be executed for 5-10 unbroken repetitions. DB Snatch reps each round are x 2; for example Round 1 would be 10 x Front Squats, 20 x DB Snatch (alt.sides), 10 x Pull-ups, etc.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.07.2012)
Swim: 500m TT rest 3 min, Then hold 5 x 100m (15 sec rest between) at your 100m pace for the 500m TT
Bike: 3 mile TT rest 3 min, Then hold 3 x 1 mile (30 sec rest between) at your 1 mile pace for the 3 mile TT
Run: 1 mile TT rest 3 min, Then hold 3 x 400m (30 sec rest between) at your 1 mile pace from the 1 mile TT
C2: 2000m TT rest 3 min, Then hold 3 x 500m (30 sec rest between) at your 500m pace for the 2000m TT

Post distances and splits to comments.


Shanie said...

The Art of Studentry
10 thru 1 reps for time of 20:40
Front Squat (75#)
DB Snatch (Started with 30# then 25#)
Pull-ups (BB)

Alison said...

HSPU: stink bug 5's/develop walk-up wall
"The Art of Studentry"
65#25#DB/blue bands

Mtn Rob said...

Walking up the wall backwards 5 times

26:40 with 115 front sq, 40lb db, blkband

Anonymous said...

Great seeing Bert, Laura, and Mtn Rob working hard in the 9am class today. Really miss everyone and looking forward to returning in the next couple of months. The shoulder surgery went well and everyday I see improvement.
Mike V.

Anonymous said...

The Art of Studentry
10-9-8-...-3-2-1 reps for time
Front Squat @ 185 (BW + 15)
DB Snatch @ 60 (alt hands)
Deadhang Pullups




Traps said...

Bench Press 155#
DB Snatch 75#
Pull ups

