Congratulations Justin and Kelsey!
Warm-up Drills (09.28.2012)
Row 2:00
2 Rounds for Quality of:
5 x Deadlift (45lbs)
5 x Hang Power Clean (45lbs)
5 x Front Squat (45lbs)
5 x Push Press (45lbs)
*Individual Mobility Drills (5-8 Minutes)
Notes on Mobility:
Any day of training where we know a complex or multiple variant list of Olympic movements are coming down the chute warrants more than a half-awake efforts akin to merely going 'through the motions' (Not to mention today involves a seemingly endless host of barbell movements throughout the Team WOD). There are many movements we can, and regularly do, experience in our training , with each of them representing uniquely different athletic abilities/potential which may in turn create a chain of performance or learning rate difficulties. In keeping these notes as concise as possible follow these few guidelines to ensure you are taking full advantage of your own athlete/fitness potential: Consistency in efforts is worth all the functionality and intensity you can find in any of the most profoundly challenging workout formats. Put in the time, and it will yield competency; such capable athletes competent in the lifts will then be able to finally experience the benefits of developing Powerful/Explosive traits in their athletic profile of capacity and abilities... Moving serious weight, after putting the effort in consistently to learning how, will provide countless benefits and advatanges to the highly competitive and recreational enjoyment based CrossFitters just as potently. In summation I hope you are all as haunted by the following words as I am:
'Attentiuon To Detail...'
Get after it, freaks!
‘‘If Bonding Felt More Like Bondage’’ (09.28.2012)
The objective is to complete the workload as fast a possible, through communication and teamwork, while also striving to best each of the other challengers per heat.
2 Rounds of Row 250m w/ each Teammate holding Front Rack KB Position when they are not Rowing (25m Penalty for drops/loss of position)
Then… Storm through the following chipper:
15 x HSPU’s or 30 x Mods/Scaled
20 x Deadlift (225/185lbs)
15 x Hang Clean and Jerk (135/95lbs)
30 x Ring Dips or 30 x Mods/Scaled
30 x Back Squat/20 x Front Squat/10 x Overhead Squat (95/65lbs)
10 x Snatch (135/95lbs) or 20 x KB ‘American’ Swings
50 x GHD Sit-ups/Abmat Sit-ups
20 x Thrusters (95/65lbs)
15 x Burpee Jump and Touch’s (Pull-up Bar)
*Insert Wallball Huck & Catch Tax Total here
*Insert any rowing workload here for being a blue falcon to your teammate and not completing the row in time…
Notes/Guidelines for Team Review:
In teams of 2 CrossFitters assault through the following workload as fast as possible; Score will be total rounds needed to make it through the challenges above where each round consists of exactly 2 x 1:00 Minute Intervals per athlete (4 minutes total), 3 x :40 Second Intervals per athlete (4 minutes total), and 6 x :20 Second Intervals per athlete (4 minutes total). Athletes will be switching off after each work/rest interval concludes; Strategy, Foresight, Communication, and many other principals governing productive teamwork will be left up to each team to establish (or not... and yes, of course this is a test). There is only one exception to this time schedule/interval format, please see the notes regarding that topic for details below.
Notes/Fore-warnings of Scoring Incentives & Penalties:
If a team has been unable to reach the end of the WOD by the time the final :20 second interval winds down then they’ve taken 1 full round thus far and will reset with the other remaining teams at the beginning of Round #2 with 1:00 intervals again (proceeding from the exact repetition that work was stopped upon). Despite the score what’s the big deal you ask? Every time a round finishes counting down through all of its intervals there is a Team Wallball Tax (cumulatively enforced as the challenge’s final task): 15 x Wallball Squat/Throws over the Pull-up bars (now Peter knows why I refused to lower them so far YESSSSSS).
Notes regarding the only exception to the above interval rotation per round:
The very first task each team undertakes will be against a lonely and diminishing 6 minute countdown. Within this 6 minute window each team's athletes much each complete two Rounds of a 250m Row; Failure to accomplish this will simply add a 500m Rowing interval as each team's final task to survive and persevere through. Making things more challenging than just a simple drag race against the countdown timer something we affectionately refer to as the Gym Jones’ infamous ‘Tailpipe’ team WOD. This particularly tough team challenge format will require each team's non-rowing athlete to perform a static hold with two KBs under control in the Front Rack position if their Rowing teammate is able to drive forward and proceed with their task. A tax?
Of course we can throw one in there for incentive to give it all you’ve got: Every time the KBs drop/position is lost adds 25 meters to the distance that must be completed on that athletes current interval.
Post your Teams Score in the comments section as # of Rounds needed to complete the challenge. If possible please notate how many ‘taxes’ were levied over the course of the challenge (as well as who earned them).
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.28.2012)
''2 x Time Interval Repeats''
Swim: 2 x 8 min, rest 2 min between intervals
Bike: 2 x 15 min, rest 2 min between intervals
Run: 2 x 12 min, rest 2 min between intervals
C2: 2 x 8 min, rest 2 min between intervals
Post distances to comments.
Great WOD! Long, hard, and rewarding... Thanks to the morning crew for letting an "evening guy" hit it...
John and I still can't figure out how it took 47 mins tho?!
- Dave
All that: The Dynamic Duo of Catherine and Peter (Go IRISH!)
HSPU(way to go Catherine!) & Stinkbugs;
DL 115 & 185;KB 16 & 20kg;
75# Clean&Jerk, Front Squats,and Thrusters
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