Complete for time
150 x Wallball Shots (20lbs)
Kevin 6:31*
Mike C. 10:21 (lost a few minutes while being a stinky-bum-head-face)
Frank 7:07*
Quote of the Day: "It takes talent to throw a 90 mph fast ball, it doesn't take talent to toss a ball off of a wall."
This statement was fully retracted by Frankonius Maximus after performing the WOD.
Other WODs (03.23.2009)
Complete as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 6:00 of
5 x Burpees
5 x Thrusters (45lbs)
Jess 8 Rounds +5/+2*
After becoming fully acquainted with the 9 fundamental movements and getting a nice long class on the methods and theories behind CrossFit's potent catalysts for elite athletic development, Jess managed to slay this vicious little AMRAP. We are constantly amazed by our ladies, they always bring the lumber (and they are smarter and more flexible than us...damnit)
Complete 3 Rounds for time of
500m Row
12 x Deadlift
9 x Front Squats
6 x Push Press
Ed 17:30*
Today we got to welcome Edgar to our Stable of the Dark Horses. The poor guy shows up during Jess' Fundamentals Skill Development Training and got thrown right into the mix. We couldn't let an experienced CrossFitter like Ed escape without getting the exposure of all 9 Fundamental movements,and we were passionate about him capping the afternoon off nicely with a sweet little metabolic sucker punch to the face. Awesome work, brother, welcome to our weird little Family...
Complete the following for time
Row 750m
20 x Wallballs (20lbs)
Row 500m
40 x Wallballs (20lbs)
Row 250m
60 x Wallballs (20lbs)
Jared 13:08*
This is one of those WODs that reminds me of a see-saw, it gets lesser in volume on one side while increasing on the other and it makes for such a painful experience that you kind of need to try it to know what I mean. The pictures do more justice than my words to how Mr. Gym Class Hero (Jared Fogle) felt after slugging through this violent little gem of conditioning.
Enjoy, you masochistic minions of CrossFit.
Complete 3 Rounds with reps of 15-12-9 for
Hang-Power Cleans (95lbs)
Wallball Tosses (20lbs) *This is a wallball shot with no legs
Jefe 6:06*
6 Rounds for time of
Row 250m
5 x Push Press (65lbs)
Jill 9:54*
Since the "Lucky 7's" WOD we have seen a staggering performance increase out of Jill. She has elevated her fitness to a whole new realm of CrossFit athleticism, much like our original crew experienced once upon a frozen night three weeks after Christmas. Jill crushed the self-imposed limits that previously defined her athletic capacity and she is now
realizing exactly how far she could take this, her intensity level is absolutely indicative of her personal desire to excel. We are
all excited to see her take on the "9 Fundamental Circles of Hell" tomorrow.
Hey its Kevin again great job on the website and Mike and Jefe thanks alot for posting, i really appreciate the support. Talk to Sammy and put together workout today, since it was a rest day on the mainpage and always few days behind because I do Crossfit Endurance and the black box workout
WOD- 5 rounds for time
3x5x7- Weight pull-ups(45 lbs)- Strict Pull ups- Kipping Pull-ups
3x5x7- all 115 lbs- Overhead Press- Push Press- Push jerk
Time- 13:31 mins
Great workout also did my Crossfit Endurance WOD- 3x 200m x 400m x 600Treadmill- Speed- all over 11.0 and incline all above 3.0 to 5.0
This workout was a killer, since last week i did Crossfit Endurance for swimming for 5 days- The reason was i got tendinitis in my foot from half marathon last sunday. Killer workout, but great workout. See you guys this weekend
i wanna wall ball!
(i think ;>)
Your wish has been granted Joe, see you on Thursday.
Nice time for that WOD Kevin, I figured you needed one like that since you didn't do the pull-ups only version the other day. Why not make it a double suck-fest with push/pull stimuli? I'll talk to you tomorrow around lunch time with a nice met/con sub in for the front squats since you already have a lot of MEBB programmed into your week. Everyone else around here will be doing MEBB x 3 separate movements...wait and see, wait and see young one's, dream of sweet PR's getting toasted so tomorrow your fantasies can become reality.
Ah.. "Karen"
150 reps.
10 lbs Med ball
20 sec max, 10 sec rest (Like you told me Ross! I can still call you Ross even though everyone else calls you Samy right?!?!!? Perhaps I'll go back to Rorry.. who knows!!!!)
Me/Freckles 6:54
Chase 5:12
Clearly we need to speak before tomorrow's WOD.. :o)
wallball. yar!
I think a HUGE reason for Jill's increase in performance has to attributed to her dialing in her nutrition. People that stick to this really see their capacity go through the roof.
Great job to everyone in this post!
Hey its kevin O.
Did the Filthy Fifty today it was brutal and awful. Got under 27 mins, kind of disappointed but a pretty good score. Crossfit Endurance really killed me this morning did- 10 x 200m- 5x th recovery- Check out my page if u guys can- www.omalleyxfit.blogspot.com
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