This past week we were privileged to welcome a bunch of new CrossFitters, covering the full spectrum of athlete. This is probably the first time that it would take me too long to write everyone's name out and what they did, which just reinforces how much easier it would be for me to make daily updates (logic sucks sometimes). Now that we have so many people coming in I find my schedule outlined in a much more definitive and reliable way, so expect me to keep up better in the future... no really! My punishment for slacking from now on will be a 1:00 beard hold from the rings.
Sunday's Gathering will commence at 3:00pm. I can't wait to see everyone down here again, last week was a blast with the deadlift madness and our cruel version of "Helen". I'm thinking that "Viking Fran" might be the big one of the day, a ton of people have been clamoring for this one and I know Chris is down there in Quantico pushing it on all the crazies in that neck of the woods. If anyone wants to do this one with us and email me their times then I will include them in the scores for that post. it I would love to see some pictures as well, would be awesome to show off some of our family abroad. I can think of maybe 10-12 nut cases already that will definitely be tackling this WOD, should be some stiff competition across the board.
Oh, I forgot to mention that Mike Molloy left his shoes here last week and I figured that one person from every WOD should wear them while they trained just to make sure they were properly enchanted with CrossFitter sweat. I'm sure he will be so thrilled now that they smell like... effort.
Before I get to the WODs I also want to welcome some of the most recent new CrossFitters that have come in and joined our ranks.
Caitlin came up to check us out since she is moving back to NH in the near future. We consider this insanely lucky for us since she happens to be a certified CrossFit instructor, she was awesome to have around for the intro class on Thursday night and the following WODs. She brought up an interesting topic that hasn't come up on the message boards in awhile: Breathing technique for assisting maximal efforts. This is a good rest day discussion, and I have some resources from Coach Burgener that are fascinating to read. Thanks Caitlin, and welcome to our family.
Michael, Kristie, and John came in for a down and dirty class on the Theories and Methods that drive CrossFit and form the core of its potent developmental capacity. It was a great time from the start of the lecture to the very last rep of Bottom-2-Bottom Tabata Squats. Michael really went all out and got the new leaderboard spot for that WOD with 16 reps.
Nick from Nashua finally got in here to train and brought Carth with him (badass name) who hadn't yet experienced a CrossFit WOD. After a talk about the basics and safety the two of them tore into a 1/2 "Cindy" WOD (AMRAP 5 x Pull-ups, 10 x Push-ups, 15 x Squats) and really pushed it hard, especially Carth. Nick came in the following night and hit up "Barbara" as well, he is a great addition to the crew.
A couple CrossFit roommates came down from Plymouth College to rip up the Clean and Jerk Singles WOD and they beasted some serious weight while here. Wes is actually going to the CrossFit Games Regional Qualifiers and I would definitely bet on him doing very well, he will be back here on Monday night to try the Viking Fran WOD.
John and his wife (The "Texans") are also still in the area and have already come in twice to work on their Olympic lifts. It's been a challenge trying to cram everything I want to into their brains during their short stay here, but I refuse to allow any exposure fall by the wayside, Jefe has been a big help in making sure we make every second count when they are here. I hope their brains are get sore from all the concepts we are throwing at them.
There have been a ton of people calling that want to come by while they travel or visit the region, I didn't expect this but it is an awesome surprise. Our garage door is always open to CrossFitters... hell, I would pitch a tent and stack bumpers under it if I had to.
5km Run for time
If you can run like this guy on the left then you have some natural talent, his form is very close to what CrossFit Endurance teaches their athletes (GOOGLE the keywords POSE running to learn more).
This is an awesome WOD so if you looked at it and found some heavy met-con or benchmark WOD to do instead then are absolutely putting a limit on how far you can take your level of development with CrossFit, always do the things you are the worst at and hit them as hard as you can. Today could be a great day for you if you completed this simple time trial run and would probably provide you with just as much pride as handstand push-ups if running is a skill you often hide from. Lots of CrossFitters hate running so why not join the misery... I heard somewhere it loves company or something weird like that.
II. CrossFit Endurance WOD (03.07.2009)
"Rumination"Complete the Time Trial assigned to the sport of your choice and complete at max effort. After you have completed the time trial attempt to hold that pace for the subsequent smaller max effort sets. If you can not hold your pace for the second part of the WOD then you have FOULED and you should reward yourself with whatever is in that grab-bag category of pain.
Swim: 500m TT, then 5 rounds of 100m x :15 rest, try to hold your time trial pace
Bike: 3 mile TT, then 3 rounds of 1 mile x :30 rest, try to hold your time trial pace
Run: 1 mile TT, then 3 rounds of 400m x :30 rest, try to hold your time trial pace
C2: 2000m TT, then 3 rounds of 500m x :30 rest, try to hold your time trial pace
FOUL: 1 min max rep push ups
Bike: 3 mile TT, then 3 rounds of 1 mile x :30 rest, try to hold your time trial pace
Run: 1 mile TT, then 3 rounds of 400m x :30 rest, try to hold your time trial pace
C2: 2000m TT, then 3 rounds of 500m x :30 rest, try to hold your time trial pace
FOUL: 1 min max rep push ups
III. CrossFit HQ WOD "Jackie" (03.06.2009)
Current Top Score Jefe 7:45 ... attack this
Complete for time
1000m Row
50 x Barbell Thrusters (45lbs)
30 x Pull-ups
1000m Row
50 x Barbell Thrusters (45lbs)
30 x Pull-ups
Enrique 8:08*
Hore-Hay 8:09
IV. Jill's WOD (03.06.2009)
750m Row
24 x Barbell Thrusters (45lbs)
12 x Jumping Pull-ups (full dead hang at bottom, chest to bar, using as much arm and back pull as possible)
Jill 5:45*
Jill 5:45*
I was in awe of how well Jill picks up new skills, she is probably the first person to ever try something like rowing for the first time and exhibit almost flawless form. While using this awesome tool for her warm-up she was able to maintain excellent technique, after letting her play with the damper setting a bit I decided that she could easily crush a 1000m row like "Jackie" has for it's opening death sentence. In order to keep her able to exert herself more on the Thrusters and Pull-ups (something she has been trying to develop) we cut 250m off the top. 500m would be safer for such a hard sprint with the work following it if you are new to rowing, but that would have been just too damn easy for her. I also love watching Mike's face every time his girlfriend tries something new with ease. Another month and they will be going head to head with some of the WODs for sure.
I would be PROUD to wear those stinky, effort filled sneakers...
I'd like to see enrique touch them......without gloves on....
Get back in the womb.
Nice Samy, things are looking good. I HAVE to get up there soon. Tomorrow is DEFINITELY a rest day though, as I attended the CFNE Throwdown today....I'm really unsure how I'm alive. 3, THREE bone crushing, sadistic, maniacal WODs in one day. I'm just glad I made it at this point.....that was a new experience in pain and suffering.
That's awesome that you went down to that, I'm not sure how we are such hermits sometimes. Joe Venuti (CrossFit Mass) called to fill me in on the madness which sounded like a lot of fun. Jefe and I are going to visit him tomorrow to make a few plyo boxes because Venuti is apparently a Druid as well as a Crossfitter and can make wood do things by singing to it.
singing wood. i see.
well then :)
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