Sometimes I think back on the madness that we exhibit and in hindsight it seems both hilarious and...well...kind of like madness. But most of the time I smile, high-five myself and aggressively seek out new forms of insanity to bring out for all our Savages to sink their little fangs into.
Tomorrow will be an amazing time as we keep with our tradition of having our athletes congregate together for a special WOD-festival. Sundays are the days when our Stable of Dark Horses goes all "Slaughter House-5" on those with the courage to attend (Kurt Vonnegut reference for those that skipped 11th Grade English Class). I can't imagine a better setting for a "Fight Gone Bad!" than this Garage on a Sunday afternoon...I have a lot of favorite WODs but this is my number one beloved circus of pain and I can't wait to share it with everyone.
The last time we took this lil' guy on was December 31st and I know from looking at the previous scores that we will see an amazing performance leap by the time we tally all the points. In addition to the athletic capacity increases we also now have the ability to run this WOD as RX'd in all it's bumper plate, C2 rowing, and box jumping glory. Last time we had two and a half lb plates 10 deep on each side of a rusty barbell...WTF were we thinking? Oh, right...we were thinking "by any means necessary", like usual.
Below I included two links so you could head back and take a look at what we were doing a few months ago during the Front Squat and the Fight Gone Bad! WODs, See you all tomorrow.
Front Squat Living Room WOD
Tomorrow will be an amazing time as we keep with our tradition of having our athletes congregate together for a special WOD-festival. Sundays are the days when our Stable of Dark Horses goes all "Slaughter House-5" on those with the courage to attend (Kurt Vonnegut reference for those that skipped 11th Grade English Class). I can't imagine a better setting for a "Fight Gone Bad!" than this Garage on a Sunday afternoon...I have a lot of favorite WODs but this is my number one beloved circus of pain and I can't wait to share it with everyone.
The last time we took this lil' guy on was December 31st and I know from looking at the previous scores that we will see an amazing performance leap by the time we tally all the points. In addition to the athletic capacity increases we also now have the ability to run this WOD as RX'd in all it's bumper plate, C2 rowing, and box jumping glory. Last time we had two and a half lb plates 10 deep on each side of a rusty barbell...WTF were we thinking? Oh, right...we were thinking "by any means necessary", like usual.
Below I included two links so you could head back and take a look at what we were doing a few months ago during the Front Squat and the Fight Gone Bad! WODs, See you all tomorrow.
Front Squat Living Room WOD
Fight Gone Frozen! WOD
Complete 10 Rounds for time of
10 x Pull-ups (full lockout at bottom, chin over bar at top)
10 x Ring Dips (Biceps touch rings or shoulder joint goes below elbow joint at bottom)
Mike 12:34*
Frank 17:39
Edgar (Ring Push-ups Subbed) 15:39
Complete each rung on the ladder using proper technique and a full range of motion. There is no time component, you are attempting to complete the WOD in as few sets as possible with any break to rest (coming off rings or bar, stopping momentum, etc.) equating to the cessation of that set. Each rung consists of Ring Dips, Pull-ups, Air Squats, and Atomic Sit-ups. A perfect score would be 20 sets for this 5 rung ladder.
Rung 1: 2 reps ea.
Rung 2: 4 reps ea.
Rung 3: 6 reps ea.
Rung 4: 8 reps ea.
Rung 5: 10 reps ea.
Chalupa 26 Sets*
1 comment:
first! i mean, go team!
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