
''Mary'' (12.28.2010)

Warm-up Drills (12.28.2010)
Row 1000m
''Burgener Drill'' (PVC/2Rnds)
2 Rounds of
7 x L-sit Pull-ups
7 x Thrusters (45lbs)
-Samson Stretch
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)
-Scorpion Stretch

''Mary'' (12.28.2010)
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of
5 x Handstand Push-ups
10 x Pistols
15 x Pull-ups

Post rounds completed to comments.

Skill Development (12.28.2010)
5 Rounds for time of
15 x Slamball (20/14lbs)
15 x GHD Sit-ups

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (12.28.2010)


ricky said...

Mary: 6 rounds

6.42 on part 2

Mtn Rob said...

7 rnds blk bnd, bnd assist, 20in box
11:10 for skill dev

Justin said...

7 rounds for Mary and then straight to the trash can.

7:11 for skill development.

- Bieber

Marcus said...

9 rounds + 5HSPU and 4 pistols

I cant remember the skill development time

Indy said...


6 rds +1

Skill Dev -5 min and some change

matt L said...

Mary -
10 rounds +2 pistols

Skills developemnt -
6:44 w/ 20 pound slammah

My legs may never recover from karen, she did a number on me for sure.

0 said...




Mike D said...

7rnds - 5hspu's / 5 pistols mods

Anonymous said...

Mary 9 rds +5/5


Kristina said...

7 rounds +5/2

Anonymous said...

Mary...6 rounds plus 5/8

Skill Dev. 6:08


Khan said...

7 rounds +5/10/6

Skill Development
5:19 w/ 20lb

Gollum said...

11 rounds and 2 HSPUs

Skill Development
5:03 w/ Ab Mat SU

Mike Scotina said...

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of
5 x Handstand Push-ups
10 x Pistols
15 x Pull-ups

6 rounds; pistols @ 301bs

Skill Development
5 Rounds for time of
15 x Slamball (20lbs)
15 x GHD Sit-ups

9:50 rx

Colby said...

6 Rounds and 11 Pull ups

Skill Development
6:00 flat, on the abmat

Peter said...

8 rounds + HSPU's (blue bands)

Skill Development - Abmat's/20#