Row 4 Minutes
''Burgener Drill'' (2 Rnds/PVC)
9 Fundamentals x 5 reps each (PVC)
-Samson Stretch
-ITB Drop Lungs
-Cobra Stretch
-Shoulder Mobility Complex (5lbs)
''Tabata Perdition'' (12.08.2010)
Accumulate as many reps as possible during each ''Tabata'' work interval (:20 x :10 rest).
8 Rnds x Double-unders
8 Rnds x Sit-ups
8 Rnds x Bench Press (95/65lbs)
8 Rnds x Ring Rows
8 Rnds x Slam Ball
Notes: Slam Balls must be caught on the first bounce for the repetition to count.
Post accumulated repetitions for each movement as well as total repetitions executed to comments.
Skill Development (12.08.2010)
Rest for tomorrow...
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (12.08.2010)
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
6 Rounds (:30 x 2:00 rest)
Notes: Executing maximal effort for each :30 sec interval, each 2 minute recovery period is a working rest at an easy pace. Use Incline adjustments to control levels of exertion.
Post distances covered to comments.
150/80/85/50/83 or something like that
448 total
ring rows are probably the stupidest invetion right behind snatches and OVHS...
ps. who is that stud in the picture?!
60/55/89/35/60 [299]
total 331
singles 95lb/20lb
505 total
In remembrance of Pearl Harbor & John Lennon I ran 41 miles.
(11 mile PR for training run solo & unsupported)
todays WOD just didn't happen will makeup on Sat.
Total points = 276
Bad day for double unders and most of my other movements but tomorrow is a new day...and hopefully it won't involve slam balls
Tabata Perdition
SU's/65# Bench Press/20# Bouncy Rock
Total = 632 (360/61/82/62/67)
''Tabata Perdition'' (12.08.2010)
Accumulate as many reps as possible during each ''Tabata'' work interval (:20 x :10 rest).
201 x Double-unders
101 x Sit-ups
73 x Bench Press (95lbs)
71 x Ring Rows
90 x Slam Ball (20lbs)
536 x Total (95/20lbs)
Thanks to Rick and Pete for letting me sneak into the trenches to thrash, what an absolute blast playing with all our new gear. GET SOME.
265 x single unders
95 x Bench Press (95#)
64 x Sit-ups
54x Ring Rows
78 x Slam Ball (20 lbs)
It was something like that.
Tabata Perdition
187 double unders
42 bench press (65)
107 sit ups
35 ring rows
81 slam ball (20)
452 Total
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