Warm-up Drills (12.17.2010)
Row 500m
''Burgener Drill'' (2 Rnds/PVC)
5 x Deadhang Pull-ups
7 x Push-ups (CFSG)
9 x Air Squats
12 x Abmat Sit-ups
*Overhead Squat Warm-up Sets/Reps
-Shoulder Dislocates
-Sumo Squats
-ITB Stretch
''M.E. Overhead Squats 3-3-1-1-1'' (12.17.2010)
Work through the following sets/reps of Overhead Squats using progressively heavier loads in order to determine an accurate 1-rep maximum. Use the first two sets of 3 reps as your heavier warm-up sets.
Post loads to comments.
''Nasty Girls'' (12.17.2010)
3 Rounds for time of
50 x Air Squats
7 x Muscle-ups
10 x Hang Power Cleans (135/95lbs)
Post times to comments.
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (12.17.2010)
''Time Trial''
Swim: SC:10min LC:15min U:20min
Bike: SC:20min LC:30min U:60min
Run: SC:20min LC:30min U:60min
C2: SC:10min LC:15min U:20min
Post distances to comments.
OHS - 125/130/135
Nasty Girls - 16:07 Rx'd
Overhead Squats
Nasty Girls
12:42 95lbs/ mu's
OHS -- 115/125/135
Nasty Girls -- 24:42 @ 135 w/ MU's
Bieber is out with flu. Hopefully I will be able to suffer with you Monday.
Workout of the week: for time, empty your stomach out of all contents and see how long you can go without solid food.
OH Squats 215/225/235ef
Nasty Girls- 8:05
John keep the pants on next time there are ladies around.
Good point, Dan. Next time I'll be more careful when you're around;)
OH Squats
*As I stalled in the bottom of the squat I saw a small creature with goat legs walk out from behind the spots floating across my vision... he told me to dump the weight before I black out and lose all my cool points in front of the kids.
''Nasty Girls''
3 Rounds for time of
50 x Air Squats
7 x Muscle-ups
10 x Hang Power Cleans (135lbs)
Beiber, that's too bad dude... you were on such an awesome ''no vomit'' run there for a while.
Overhead Squats
"Nasty Girls"
11:10 @ 75lbs. & mu's
laura b.
Overhead squats
"Nasty Girls"
18:48 @ 135# with pull ups/ring dips
95 / 115 / 135 / 155F
Got 155 above my head and down...
"Nasty Girls"
29:47 @ 115 / 2rnd's MU's / last round PU's&Dips
Over Head Squats
Nasty Girls
13:17 rx'd (PR)
Lance says....
Best overhead squats to date!
Over Head Squats
Nasty Girls
-sub 21Pullup + 21 Ring Dips for 7 Muscle Ups
M.E. Overhead Squats
Nasty Girls
26:58 (sub 21x pullups/ring dips for muscle ups)
Overhead squats 95/105/115
Nasty Girls ("Samy assisted" MU, 115#)
Jeff B
8:08 Rx Huge improvement.
overhead squats 115
that other thing 29:59
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