-William James
''Bodyweight Back Squat Challenge'' (01.08.2011)
Warm-up with the following percentage based sets before attempting to complete as many repetitions of unbroken Bodyweight Back Squats as possible.
40% x 5
50% x 3
60% x 3
Back Squat (1xBW) x Maximum Unbroken Reps
Notes: Athlete's may scale the load to 3/4 bodyweight or 1/2 bodyweight as needed. Those that are attempting rep records at bodyweight will be in contention for the top leader board spot for that category. Get some.
Mobility WOD
41 reps @ 160lbs
FRan- 5:40 Rx
Max Snatch-145, believe a 10lb PR
Max Clean and jerk-200lb 5lb PR
and I did squat clean 205, which would be a 10lb pr.
Bodyweight Backsquat Challenge: 18 reps @ 185lbs
The next three were to make up for the first half of this week
Deadlift 3-3-3+: 205lbs/230lbs/260lbs x 8
Bench Press 5-3-1+: 110lbs/125lbs/140lbs x 12
"Bennett II": 5 rnds AQAP, 16:52, 2x single unders and 65lb snatch
Bodyweight Back Squat Challenge:
61 reps at 165lbs
*The place was rocking this morning with the thunder of our heavy lifting crowd. Epic.
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