Speed Rope Drills
2 Rnds(1:00 on x :30 off)
''Burgener Drill'' (PVC/2Rnds)
9 Fundamentals x 5 reps each (45lbs)
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)
-Lunge with Torso Rotation
-Sumo Squats
-Inchworm/Cobra Stretch
''M.E. Push Jerk/Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1'' (01.14.2011)
Push Jerk/Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1
Notes: Work up to a heavy/PR single rep Push Jerk/Split Jerk, progressing in load with increments representing no more than 10-15% of your most recent 1RM record. Rest a minimum of 1:00 between attempts.
Post loads to comments.
''CF Throwback Test#3'' (01.14.2011)
Complete as many Air Squats as possible during each of the ''Tabata'' work intervals (:20 on x :10 rest). Immediately after finishing the last Air Squat interval a 4:00 running clock begins it's countdown against which an athlete must execute as many Muscle-ups as possible.
8 Rounds of (:20 on x :10 rest)
Air Squats x Max # of reps possible
Muscle-ups x Max # of reps in 4:00
Notes: Scaling Muscle-ups in this unique fitness testing protocol will be alternating sets of Pull-ups and Ring Dips.
Post total # of Air Squats and total Muscle-ups to comments.
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (01.14.2011)
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
3 Rounds of
5:00 of (:15 sec on x :15 sec rest)
Recover for 3:00 and repeat.
Notes: Maintain a high cadence (Bike at 115+)/turnover rate/wattage.
Post distances to comments.
"M.E. Push Jerk/ Split Jerk"
"CF Throwback Test #3"
144/14 rx'd
M.E. Jerk 210/220/230
CF throwback Test #3
122/69 ringdip/pullups
Push Jerk.155/175/185
CF throwback test #3
135 squats/65 ring dips and pull ups (dead hang of course)
- Bieber
''Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1''
''CF Throwback Test#3''
Air Squats x 159
Muscle-ups x 35
Had a nice time trying to keep up with Dan and Laura on the Air Squats. Stoopid laws of physics.
Happened to glance at the clock and notice a 3:11 PR for 30 x Muscle-ups for time.
Enjoying the new challenges the movements this week presented, lots of practice is the only remedy. Yesssssssssssss.
Max Effort Push/Split Jerk
CF Throwback Test #3
Air Squats x 124
Deadhang Pullups/Ring Dips x 54
Push Jerk/Split Jerks:
I used split jerks for all of the sets
Air Squats: 160
DH Pullups/Ring Dips: 48
Split Jerk
CF throwback #3
Air squats 157
Pull ups/Ring dips 75
Split Jerk
CF Throwback #3
Air Squats - 151
DH Pullups/Ring Dips 72
Split Jerk:
CF Throwback #3:
Air Squats - 131
Muscle Ups: 26
My body was another kind of CF after this workout. :D
SDHP x 10
Thrusters x 8
5 rounds
Split Jerk 135/155...sore back
Air squats 153
Pullups/ringdips 72
118/ 6 assited Rx'd
oh yeah push jerk
Max Jerk
Split Jerk: 175/185/200
Test 3 : 114/ 26 muscle-ups
split jerk 115/135/155
the test thingy 99 and 48.
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