Warm-up as needed before attempting to complete as many repetitions of unbroken Bodyweight Bench Press as possible.
Bench Press (1xBW) x Maximum Unbroken Reps
Notes: Athlete's may scale the load to 3/4 bodyweight or 1/2 bodyweight as needed. Those that are attempting rep records at bodyweight will be in contention for the top leader board spot for that category.
Notes: 1-Rep Maximum/Percentage Calculator
Mobility WOD
Rick where did you get that bandana?
Bodyweight Bench Press Challenge:
185lbs x 1
Poolie WOD Part II (the pickups and walking lunges):
12:12 with 25lbs
Bodyweight Bench Press Challenge
195lbs x 20
6 reps at 150.
14 reps at 165#
Saturday's are becoming as ruthless as the rest of the week around here.
Bench Press (165lbs) x 26
3 reps @ 190
215 lbs x 10 reps
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