
''Boatcrew Moore'' (05.13.2011)

Warm-up Drills (05.13.2011)
Speed Rope x 3 Rounds of (1:00 x :30rest)
‘’Burgener Drill’’ (3Rnds/PVC)
2 Rnds of
10 x KB Swings (24/16KG)
10 x Push-ups (CFGS)
10 x Pistols
+Sumo Squats
+Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)
+Inchworms/Cobra Stretch
+Scorpion Stretch

''Boatcrew Moore’’ (05.13.2011)
Complete as many rounds/reps as possible in 20:00 of
1 x Rope Climb
500m Row
Max Reps x HSPU’s

Post rounds/reps completed to comments.

Skill Development (05.13.2011)
3 Rounds at your own pace of
20 x GHD Sit-ups
:15 x Ring Support
10 x Ring Dips

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (05.13.2011)


Khan said...


SRD said...

''Boatcrew Moore''
Complete as many rounds/reps as possible in 20:00 of
1 x Rope Climb
500m Row
Max Reps x HSPU’s


Mike A. and I couldn't leave Ricky Lake hanging out to dry so we joined him for a merry time doing Tabata Squats followed by Tabata Sit-ups (Abmat). Confirmed... Tabata Squats still suck.

Joshua said...

"Boatcrew Moore"
1 x rope climb, 22'
Run 400 meters
Max Reps x HSPU's


Peter said...

Boatcrew Moore -(who is Moore?)
10/8/8/7 (Red/Red Bands for HSPU's)

thammond18 said...

Boating with more?

11/8 (with 10# bumper)
4/3/6 (with nothing but Jay motivating my last set)


Anne said...

Boatcrew Moore


2 abmats for the HSPU
Not quite at the rope climb yet.

Mint said...

Boatcrew Moore


Anonymous said...

Boatcrew Moore
Modified with handstand hold and press (40 lbs)
6 rope climbs and about 5 presses each time

mtn Rob said...

12/7/8/8 + rope and 250meters row

0 said...

"Boatcrew Moore"
