While our CrossFitters and Soccer Team crazies were submerged in mud or carrying logs another athlete of ours, Laura B., returned to McNaughton seeking vengeance... and came away from the 100 mile Ultra Endurance race with a 10+ hour personal record (Ten consecutive 10 mile laps up and down a mountain in Vermont). While this sounds insane and nearly impossible for most humans to achieve we can assure you it's even more awe inspiring to actually witness. Congratulations, Laura!
Warm-up Drills (05.09.2011)
Run 800m
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
2 Rounds of
5 x Deadhang Pull-ups
7 x Burpees
9 x GHD Sit-ups
-Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)
-ITB Stretch
-Scorpion Stretch
''Fight Gone Bad!" (05.09.2011)
Three rounds for total points of
Wall-ball (20lbs)
Sumo Deadlift High-Pull (75lbs)
Box Jump (20")
Push Press (75lbs)
Row (Calories)
Notes: In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On the call of "rotate" the athletes must move to next station immediately. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.
Those that want to endure the epic 5 Round version of Fight Gone Bad will first need to come away from Rounds 1-3 with 300+ points. Time to slay.
Skill Development (05.09.2011)
Work through two mobility WODs that represent areas of personal difficulty/weakness. Foam roll for 8-10 minutes... Aggressively.
This would be especially beneficial to those that participated in the various adventures during the weekend with us.
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (05.09.2011)
- Bieber
Fight gone bad: 99/76/63
Fight gone bad (14lbs/50lbs)
total: 187
I think those are them....
Dan, Sam, and Tiff: Thanks for the motivation today!
I walked from my car into Crossfit to say Hi and back. - untimed event
26:18 hours (8 hour course PR EXACTLY 34:18 last year) I was hopeful for that sub 24hr but stupid rookie mistakes interfered.
Congrats to all you guys in the Tough Mudder I heard lots of fun stories as I was logging my final miles.
A Special Thanks to Samy, Dan & Kristina who after running the Tough Mudder rushed to my race to help crew & pace my last 30 miles.
and of course Jeff who supported me running this race and got stuck running the kids around to parties, lacrosse & baseball games single handedly
Laura B.
Fight Gone Bad!
"Fight Gone Bad"
new modified box jumps
What a great way to start the week!!
FGB: 292 95lbs for SDL & PP 24" box jump
Fight Gone Bad
Total: 293
Wallball: Gonzales, 10'
SDHP: 75#
Box Jump: 20"
Push Press: 75#
Penelope: kCal
R1: 31/22/22/22/15 - 112
R2: 23/17/21/18/13 - 92
R3: 22/17/17/20/13 - 89
Good work Rick, that's nuts.
PS ****ed up my total in the first post. Still have post WOD cognition and motor skills impairment.
Fight Gone Bad
68/59/56 = 183
''Fight Gone Bad''
Rnd 1: 25/20/21/26/15
Rnd 2: 26/20/21/26/16
Rnd 3: 29/21/26/27/15
Total: 334
w/95lbs for SDHP's/Push Press and 24'' Box Jumps
Fight Gone Bad
75lbs SDHP/Push Press
Fight Gone Bad
RD 1 139
RD 2 122
RD 3 120
RD 4 109
RD 5 91
Fight Gone Bad
20lb/65lb (I didn't realize we had to add that extra 10, my bad)
-Chris K
Fight Gone Bad...
Rnd 1...111
Rnd 2...112
Rnd 3...110
3 Rnd Total...333
Rnd 4...94
Rnd 5...89
5 Rnd Total...518
FGB 107/ 71/ 70
Fight Gone Bad
Fight Gone Bad
118/100/84 = 302 total
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