
''Heavy Grace'' (05.16.2011)

CFNH On-Ramp Class Begins Tonight:
Tonight we are kicking off the next On-Ramp course. We ask that everyone please arrive on time for a 6:30 start, earlier if you still need to register and fill out your waivers.
This is going to be an unreal time for those who are brand new coming into CrossFit, we're looking forward to having everyone in to train with us.

The Paleo Performance Nutrition Challenge Begins Today

Those that still need to sign up and take their baseline body metrics for the Paleo Challenge need to speak to your CrossFit New Hampshire coaches/trainers. We will be announcing a night this week for us to catch up with any athletes that missed Friday's Paleo Performance Nutrition Class.

Warm-up Drills (05.16.2011)
Row 3 Minutes
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
2 Rounds of
5 x Deadhang Pull-ups
7 x Burpees
9 x Knees-2-Elbows
-Samson Stretch
-Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)
-Cobra Stretch
-Lateral Lunges

''Heavy Grace'' (05.16.2011)
Complete for time
30 x Squat Clean and Jerk (155/115lbs)

Notes: The Barbell must come from the ground, pass through a full front squat, and move overhead via Press, Push Press, Push Jerk, or Split Jerk. Athletes may also Thruster the load overhead from the full Front Squat position for a repetition to be legitimate. Get some.

Skill Development (05.16.2011)
Complete the following
Against a 2:00 running clock accumulate as much time in an L-sit position as possible
Rest 1:00
Max Reps Possible in 8 Rounds of (:20 x :10 rest)
GHD/Abmat Sit-ups

Notes: L-sits will be done on paralettes with a horizontal rope tied across hip level for each athlete to keep their feet elevated over, seconds are earned with feet straight out over the rope (above hip level) and knees straight. Make sure to notate in your logbook/posts which movement you performed for the sit-ups.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance WOD (05.16.2011)
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
4 Rounds of (5:00 on x 3:00 rest)

Notes: Hold maximal distance/watts possible on each of the 5 minute rounds.

Post distances/avg wattage to comments.


Anonymous said...


Heavy Grace: 13.48 95lbs.
Skill development: Lsit - I have no idea. 45 seconds? Sandbag.
GHD: 72

Anonymous said...

Heavy Grace
9:26 @ 155lbs

L-sits 0:36
GHD 61



thammond18 said...

Heavy Grace...20:02
(not very graceful)



Colby said...

Heavy Grace 14:40 @ 135 lbs.
L-Sits :32
GHD 56

Anonymous said...

Heavy Grace

L Sits :19secs
GHD 55


Anonymous said...

Heavy Grace 9:04 115#
GHD about 75
can't do L-sit


Anonymous said...

"Heavy Grace"
60# @11:59
:11 L-sit
92 abmat sit-ups

Khan said...

"Heavy Grace"

L-Sit :57
GHD 69

Mtn Rob said...

Heavy Grace 21:40 @ 135lbs
L sit :49
abmat 82

SRD said...

''Heavy Grace''
7:07 w/155lbs

L-sit: 71 seconds
GHD Sit-ups: 73 reps

This was one of the busiest, craziest AM sessions we've had at our facility so far. I can't really put into words how amazing it is to see everyone thrashing away and truly embracing the nutrition information we put out there for everyone to hopefully capitalize on. Keep killing it, beasts.

Anonymous said...

"Heavy Grace"
14:58 85#

L-sit - almost a min
GHD 83 reps

Laura B

0 said...

"Heavy Grace"
9:11 @ 155#

L-sit: ~18 seconds (NO DISCIPLINE)
GHD Sit-ups: 77


Dan Hayden said...

"Heavy Grace" 155# Time 7:38

L-sit :64 sec GHD 80 reps

Danny( World of Weakness(WOW))

Joshua said...

Heavy Grace
10:36 @ 155lbs

Peter said...

Heavy Grace
12:25 w/105#

L-sit 58 secs; GHD's - 68

Mike A. said...

"Heavy Grace" 155# Time 8:31

L sit- :49
GHD: 48

Indy said...

Heavy Grace

12:03 with 135#

L-Sits 55 sec

GHD x70

Justin said...

10:37 w/ 115lbs

Anonymous said...

Heavy Grace
155# 12:57

L-Sit = 50 seconds
GHD Situps - 52


Anne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anne said...

Heavy Grace
95# 13:14

L-Sit-ummm I think 47ish, but not over 50
GHD- 49