Row 3 Minutes
''Burgener Drill'' (3Rnds/PVC)
2 Rounds of
5 x Deadhang Chin-ups
7 x Burpees
9 x Hollow Rocks
-Samson Stretch
-Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)
-ITB Stretch
-Scorpion Stretch
''Mutual Hardship, Shared Glory'' (05.02.2011)
In teams of two storm through the crucible of tasks below in an attempt to complete as many reps as possible before time expires (scored like Fight Gone Bad).
There are 4 Rounds total with 1:00 rest between efforts.
Max Reps x 30m Prowler Push (70/40lbs)
1:00 x Max Reps Slamball (Partner Catch)
1:00 x Max Reps Power Clean (135/95lbs)
1:00 x Max 'Unbroken' Reps Wallball (20/14lbs)
1:00 x Max Reps Burpee Jump and Touch
Notes: Once an athlete completes their task for a point their teamate will then be able to attempt to do the same. Taking turns in this fashion athletes may only be working one at a time, racking up as many reps/points as possible before time expires or they fail to hold the needed workload to continue.
Examples: Athletes must push the Prowler 30m without allowing the sled to stop for a repetition to count, continuing for as long as they are capable of this task and alternating in rapid succession. Any more than the time it takes to switch positions on the sled warrants a termination of the set. Wallball is scored by max reps, with both athletes switching off after each executes as many unbroken reps as possible.
Post total point to comments.
Mobility WOD
CrossFit Endurance WOD (05.02.2011)
''Time Trial''
Swim: 600m
Bike: 12 miles
Run: 5k
C2: 4000m
Post times to comments.
ME Bench 275# Awful
Choose your own adventure - 135# x 48 reps 24:14
Mutual hardship shared glory:
Geno and I began, Geno left for the job and Tommy and I saw it to the brutal end. Five rounds of fury inspired slayings!!
Mutual Hardship Shared Glory.com
three rounds for this guy...60/63/48
Mutual Hardship Shared Glory
No idea what the score was.......Threesome with Laura and Allison was too confusing. Nobody knew what to do with who, for how long, or how many times!!!! Overall enjoyable workout however, and nobody got hurt!!!
Insert comments regarding above post here...
Mutual Hardship, Shared Glory
Started Prowler with 50# then 70, then 90.
95# Cleans
Total 99/96/89
Fun was had by all.
thank you Peter!
Mutual Hardship, Shared Glory
70lb Prowler
40lb Slamball
135lb Power Clean
20lb Wallball
Burpees to max reach.
Nothing like slugging it out on the battle field with your roommate. Victory jerky was made and enjoyed.
-Bert & Josh
Mutual Hardship/Shared Glory
90 lb 1st rd - 110 lb next two- prowler
40 lb slamball
135 # clean
20 lb wallball
Jay & Moose
Mutual Hardship/Shared Glory
90# Prowler
70# Power Clean
20# Slamball
thank you Lynn!!
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