
Strength/Power and WOD Make-up Training (07.09.2011)

"Restlessness is discontent - and discontent is the first necessity of progress. Show me a thoroughly satisfied man - and I will show you a failure."
- Thomas Alva Edison

Strength/Power and WOD Make-up Training (07.09.2011)

Open Gym 9-11am.
Mint and his posse of wedding people-CrossFitters will be assaulting the ''Viking Fran'' experience, anyone who might have missed it yesterday is more than welcome to come join in the fray.
This time will also be available for those athletes that need to make up any heavy lift/strength training work from this past week or wish to cut their teeth on any recent WODs they might have missed out on.
Get some, freaks.


Anonymous said...

Disciplined Abuse
-Nick F

thammond18 said...

Viking Fran...23:22
135/30# Vest

Great start to a great day!