
''Weighted Pull-ups & Respek'' (09.19.2011)

Congratulations to all of our athletes that crushed their Reach The Beach event this weekend!

We also would like to thank everyone that came out to join us in smashing ourselves as well as those who supported our fundraising efforts during the Fight Gone Bad 6 Campaign. Not only is it always an unreal experience to share in some physical hardship with our crew but we managed to get some serious cash together in a few short days to support an amazing cause...
We just can not say enough about the depth of character this community represents.

Warm-up Drills (09.19.2011)
Run 800m
15-12-9 reps each of
Push-ups (CFGS)
Abwheel Roll-outs
Air Squats
-Sumo Squats
-Scorpion Stretch
-ITB Stretch
-Calf/Soleus Stretch
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)

''Weighted Pull-ups 5-3-3-1-1'' (09.19.2011)
Warm-up as necessary before working up to and establishing a new 5 rep, 3 rep, and single rep heavy/maximum Weighted Pull-up (or Chin-up) PR.

Notes: Those that are still developing their Pull-ups/Chin-ups will be working through a combination of max rep band assisted Pull-ups or negative ROM scaling options. Through hardship comes the strength you seek!
Today we are going be adopting a new capacity standard straight from the mind of Dan John in order to give our crew some valuable perspective with measurable objectivity:
One rep maximum Pull-up/Chin-up PR's (take bodyweight plus the added load and see if it is equal to your Bench Press.
Take your Bench Press 1RM and see if it equals your Front Squat 1RM.
Your Front Squat 1RM should also equal your Power Clean 1RM.
How close are you? Where do you need the most work?
This is a simple and effective way of evaluating the balance of strength and power across several movements we encounter often in our training... embrace and enjoy toiling away towards this new standard/challenge. Get some, freaks.
1-Rep Maximum/Percentage Calculator

''Respek'' (09.19.2011)
For time:
50-40-30-20-10 reps each of
Wallball (20/14lbs)
KB Swings (24/16kg)

Notes: Who's go this one Unbroken? Earn the right to use the Burly... Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (09.19.2011)


Laura said...

Respek - 20:07 (14lbs/16kg). Definitely not unbroken.

thammond18 said...

DH Weighted Pullups...80lbs

0 said...
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Weighted Pullups 5-3-3-1-1

50-40-30-20-10 Reps for Time
Neutral Grip Burpees
Deadlift @ 135


Pull-up 1RM: 225 (BW + 70)
Bench Press 1RM: 180
Front Squat 1RM: 265
Power Clean 1RM: ~200

So everything has some catching up to do with my Front Squat 1RM. Bench Press is clearly the weakest element, being the one lift that is starkly below 200lbs. Power Clean 1RM being the next item.

SRD said...

''Weighted Pull-ups''
BW x 10
20lbs x 5
45lbs x 3
65lbs x 3
85lbs x 1
95lbs x 1
106lbs x 1
116lbs x 1
126lbs x Epic Fail

20:14 w/Burly 30lber and 32kg

Enjoyed that full body pain sort of sensation that only happens during things like 'Fran', except this one lasted for 20+ minutes. Yesssss.

Anonymous said...

Wtd Pullup: 115#
F. Squat: 265#
P. Clean: 235#
Bench Press: 100#

I guess my bench press needs work. I'm buying a bench shirt as we speak.
Lone Star-Benches like a girl scout- Danny

Justin said...

80lbs 1RM. 85F


- Bieber

Anonymous said...


Joshua said...

Weighted Pullups


Weighted Pullup: 275# (BW+85#)
Bench Press: 255#
Front Squat: 255#
Power Clean: ???#

Justin Green said...

Pull Ups: 1 X 88Lb

Respek: 19:15 shit-housed

-Lt. Hoostie

Peter said...

Weighted Pullups

Respek : 25:20 20#/20kg (24kg first 50 then had to step down to 20kg to help my back)

So..I was passing this pub in my home town of Derry (Ireland, that is), and saw the mural posted above, and my immediate thought was "That's Samy pulling that cart!"

Anonymous said...

Re-Maxed on bench press. 240# I've been upgraded to cub scout. Danny

Kim said...

Pullups: 14 deadhang 16 negative

Anonymous said...

Respek 14lb/16kg



Anonymous said...

Pullups 75#


Anonymous said...

5 @ 25lbs
3 @ 50lbs
1 @ 75lbs

55lb DB
14pd MB (biggest we have here)
WOD completed 9/26
-Nick F