Image: Tommy, Meg, and Sarah at their triathlon this past weekend! YESSSSSS!
Warm-up Drills (06.11.2012)
Run 800m
3 Rounds for Quality of
10 x Air Squats/Back Squats (45lbs/PVC)
10 x Push-ups
10 x Hollow Rocks
-Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)
-ITB Stretch
-Sumo Squats or Seated Wall Squat
*Focus on applying the lessons learned during Wall Squat 'frustrations' to Air Squats, Barbell Back Squats (45lbs), as well as subsequent warm-up/working Back Squat sets. Those needing extra practice or specific mobility work may be given additional drills to use today (ie. Placing a bench in front of knees for Air Squats, Box Squats, etc.).
Due diligence and attention to detail continue to provide rapidly realized, powerful performance benefits to the majority of our crew lately; we continue to appreciate everyone's patience and willingness to learn.
''Back Squat 5-5-5+'' (06.11.2012)
Work through the following sets of Back Squat using the percentage based sets outlined below. To determine loads multiply 1RM by .9 with percentages being derived from the resulting number.
The final set is a ''+'' set which means each athlete will attempt to execute as many additional repetitions as possible beyond the initial single rep.
5 x 40% (warm-up)
5 x 50% (warm-up)
3 x 60% (warm-up)
5 x 65%
5 x 75%
5+ x 85%
Notes: Last week we assigned different rep ranges based on athletes' proficiency in the lift or performance based/mental capacity dispositions (thinking/showing better ability towards absolute side at 1 rep or the expansive relative side at a max volume here of 20 reps). Today we will be using projected one rep maximums based on those records established last week as a way to keep ego out of the equation for using an appropriate starting point for the next three weeks of Wendler 5-3-1 Back Squatting. We will have a calculator cued up for those that need help understanding exactly how we can find estimated 1RM's from x weight for x reps set in as a 'Rep Record'.
Those athlete's participating in the horrendous yet strangely fulfilling 20 rep Back Squat Program experience (8 weeks vs. 3) will be assigned specific workloads/reps/sets today based on the quality of their 20 rep maximum. Those experienced/extremely proficient in the Low Bar Back Squat movement that wish to jump in on the 20 Rep Program may do so by taking 80% of their 5-rep maximum as a starting point for this week. Ideally we expect to see a minimum capacity gain in 8 weeks of our 20 Rep maximum now being at the same load our 5 rep maximum stands at currently.
Oh yes, this will be absolutely ruthless ... with a payoff profound enough to warrant the 'hurt'.
1-Rep Maximum/Percentage Calculator
Wendler's 5-3-1 Training Spreadsheet
''The Path Less Travelled'' (06.11.2012)
Complete for time
Run 400m
21 x DB Shoulder-2-Overhead
21 x Pull-ups
Run 400m
15 x DB Shoulder-2-Overhead
15 x Pull-ups
Run 400m
9 x DB Shoulder-2-Overhead
9 x Pull-ups
Notes: There will be a 15:00 Cutoff for this simple yet ruthless looking WOD. Athletes are allowed to partition the S2OH and Pull-ups during each round as necessary; for example Round 1 might look like 3 sets of 7 reps each before the athlete takes off on Run number 2. To keep everyone from dumping weight we will encourage Dumbbells (yes, they are also always more challenging!), those that wish to get work in with Push Press or Push Jerk may use the Barbell set-up as long as they are prepared for safety and consideration of the current noise constraints. Anyone feeling extra frisky and is able to demonstrate the requisite proficiency may execute any form of Snatch Balance (Pressing, Heaving, etc.) in place of the Shoulder-2-Overhead movements. Yessssss.
Mobility WOD

''Tempo 80-90%''
Swim: SC&LC:300m, U:800m
Bike: SC:10 mile, LC:12mile, U:18mile
Run: SC:5k, LC:8k, U:15k
C2: LC:5k
Post times to comments.
Tiff have fun in the jungle! Bring me back a baby silver back to raise as my own. Dan good luck in the academy and I'll see you on the streets of Nashua soon (hopefully not behind me with your lights on). I can't thank the two of you enough for the amount of help and knowledge you guys have given me.
"Back Squat 5-5-5+"
205x5 light day since I did squats Saturday.
"A Path Less Travelled"
13:40 Subbed 500m row for the run. 95#
Back Squat...225x5
Path Less Travelled...19:36 w/135
Dan & Tiffanie - thanks for bringing out the best or "beast" in me from day 1. You two are awesome they say, often imitated, NEVER duplicated.
'Back Squat 5-5-5+'
85# x 10
'The Path Less Travelled'
Completed @ 15:58
Run 400m
21 x DB Shoulder-2-Overhead @ 20#
21 x Pull-ups
Run 400m
15 x DB Shoulder-2-Overhead @ 20#
15 x Pull-ups
Run 400m
9 x DB Shoulder-2-Overhead @ 20#
9 x Pull-ups
Back Squat
A Path Less Travelled
Shoulder-2-Overhead (135#)
Back Squat: 125/140/165 x 5
THE Path Less Travelled:
17:15 w/ 35# D.B's
Eight Week Journey to Hell - Week 1
Warm-up Sets: 135x5, 185x5, 205x3
Working Sets: 225x20
Path Less Traveled
16:42 w/ 50s, DH Pullups
back squat: 60x3
path less traveled: 17min got to the third row section. did not complete the 9reps.
Back Squat 5-5-5+
5+ 185 8x
"A Path Less Traveled"
35# DB's
blue band scaled pull ups
Back squat 130x8
A Path Less Traveled
(rowed instead of ran)
The path less traveled
60# DB
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