Warm-up Drills (06.19.2012)
Run 400m'Four Corners' Dynamic Mobility Drill
*Intro to Pose Running Drills (5-10 min, outside if possible)
Run 2 x 200m (attempt to apply drills)
*Review KB Swing/Wallball Technique
Notes: We will briefly review the technical aspects of Wallball and KB Swings just prior to the WOD. The emphasis today for the warm-ups will be adding 1-2 Pose Running drills for individual or partners based on class size that we can build upon as we move forward. Common current issues expressed during running, tibialis anterior pain, low lumber discomfort, 'godd*mn breathing'. Plenty to start with! Yesssssss.
''Stress Inoculation'' (06.19.2012)
Complete for time (or finish as many rounds/reps as possible against a 20:00 cutoff)Run 800m
2 Rounds of
10 x Wallball (20/14lbs)
10 x KB Swings (32/24kg)
Run 600m
2 Rounds of
15 x Wallball (20/14lbs)
15 x KB Swings (32/24kg)
Run 400m
2 Rounds of
20 x Wallball (20/14lbs)
20 x KB Swings (32/24kg)
Notes: Frisky today? Wallball two-fers would satiate the inner hell-spawn to be sure.
Skill Development (06.19.2012)
*Optional3 Rounds at your own pace of
15 x KB Cross-chops (24/16kg) L
15 x KB Cross-chops (24/16kg) R
:10 x L-sit
:30 x Plank
Mobility WOD

''10 x Hill Repeats, 5 x Recovery Time''
Swim: 10 x 50m/y with T- shirt or Parachute for drag with 5 times the recovery (Ex.if it takes you 30 seconds to swim 50m/y then you rest 2:30).
Bike: 10 x 1/4 mile Hill repeats with 5 times the recovery (Ex.if it takes 30 seconds to bike the 1/4 mile then you recover 2:30)
Run: 10 x 200m Hill repeats with 5 times the recovery (Ex.if it takes 40 seconds to run the 200m then you recover 3:20)
C2: 10 x 30 cals with 5 times the recovery (Ex.if it takes 45 seconds to row 30 cals then you recover 3:45)
Post times to comments.
2 rounds and 10 wall balls.
'Stress Inoculation'
Completed in 18:38
Run 800m
2 Rounds of
10 x Wallball @ 14lbs
10 x KB Swings @ 20kg
Run 600m
2 Rounds of
15 x Wallball @ 14lbs
15 x KB Swings @ 20kg
Run 400m
2 Rounds of
20 x Wallball @ 14lbs
20 x KB Swings @ 20kg
Stress inoculation
completed in 23:14
Good to back!
Stress Inoculation
Finished at almost exactly 20 min. Not quite sure because Samy was hording the stop watch.
"Stress Inoculation"
1400m + 100 reps
Stress Inoculation
Row 1000m
2 rnds
10 wb (14#)
10kb (20)
Row 750m
2 rnds
15 wb
Row 500
2 rnds
20 wb
20 kb
Time - 19:40
Stress Inoculation
w/28kg KB Swings
Stress Inoculation
Samy and Bert took some equipment over to McIntyre and got some quality trail running time traversing the incline. 95lb barbell thrusters in place of wall ball and beats supplied by Dre, M.D.
Samy - 33:40
Bert - 39:14
Stress Inoculation
32 KG KB 20# WB
Stress inoculation
20# wall ball
20kg kb
2 rounds + 400m
Stress Inoculation (32kg/2-fers)
Completed in 19:54 (?) with Row 1000/750/500 and DB Push presses 30#
Sarah V.
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