Samy will be leaving after the move is completed for the remainder of the weekend to attend a CrossFit Kettlebell Certification in dirty Jersey. A detailed article/post has been put together to inform our crew extensively about the plan, process, and procedure of our occupancy and the conduction of training during renovation phases.
We would like to have a massive, open forum meeting at some point Tuesday where Samy can talk (briefly? Never!) in person and address any concerns (or overwhelming excitement) any of our athletes might have.
The tentative plan will be to use a small covered trailer to bring everything back and forth between the only two locations we will be using from this point forward:
540 Commercial St and Livingston Park
Hours will expand after the renovations are complete, but rest assured our primary focus has been and will remain focused on having a blast and keeping the training schedule/program as it currently runs now for the entire transition period (a couple weeks). Worried about weather? We've got tents ordered that are easy to set-up and will cover ample training space/cover the gear from the elements outside. Worried about being able to do Pull-ups, Dips, Etc? We ordered a robust gear allottment including a 6 station ourdoor Pull-up/Ring Dip/Static Dip/Bench Press/Squat Rack/Monkey bar Rig that we can set-up anywhere! We will be able to handle more athletes, and train them with better, higher quality/greater volume of specialized CrossFit gear than we could in our old home. Yesssssss!
The last six months have been more stressful, frantic, and chaotic than we could have imagined, but people barely even knew anything was going on because of our stalwart dedication to the efficacy of our athletes' training first and foremost. We have pulled off something truly amazing here, with all of the credit being among those who gave us a truly unbelievable and awe inspiring level of dedication and unconditional support during the recent trials and tribulations. Let's leave it at that for now as we would hate to be late for the move in!
So to clarify - what I have gathered from this post is that WODS are being run in the park for the next few weeks and NOT in the new space?
I've got one or two n00bs interested in there a ramp up program for them in July?
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