Today's post will be nice and brief for a chance. Things around here are busy as we move into the final push for official opening day as a New Hampshire CrossFit Affiliate. I want to welcome all the new people that have been coming out and checking our Garage Facility out. The overall response we have been getting is awesome and starting late this week (next Monday at the latest) we will have an official schedule up for multiple daily wods and our rates for training.
I am glad everyone enjoyed the rest day theory and discussion topics, I will continue that trend and save all the brain madness I have for those days from now on. The format for posting and workouts will be changing a little to reflect the various groups that we have here. My goal is to provide a daily posting from various different aspects of the CrossFit community as well as daily skill development wods for people to use in their warm-ups. Acquiring new skills and abilities is an aspect of CrossFit I truly enjoy and look forward to sharing with the Savages around here. I hope you are all enjoying this ride as much as me, train hard.
Today's Official CrossFit.com WOD
Hang Power Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
Loads lifted are your score. This is another workout designed on the M.E. Black Box philosophy of training, which I will talk about in the next Rest Day discussion.
Floor looks awesome!!! Can't wait to come see it!!!!!!
Get your freckled little ass up here then will you?
yes sir!!!
samy...i wanna make sweet pationate love to that floor. every time i see it i remember the times...ahh the sweet times...i wanna send a shout out to gollum...great working out with you man...good luck brother. smay..keep pumping those legs baby...doing a great job man...hey...we need a puke bucket in the gym and a white board for our super studs....oh...and a sharpie to sign the puke bucket...oh yeah...stay savage
hahaha, that is a good point, on Thursday night I will see if we can snag the 4 by 8 foot board from Nashua and hang it on our wall. I think that would be a sick addition to the place. Pull-up bars are the next installation goal. Everyone had a blast tonight, results and pics to be posted within the hour. Gollum is taking of to Fort Benning for his training, I hate when guys that caliber leave cause it was so much fun having him around. At least he should be ready to headbutt the door open at his local affiliate down there.
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