I wanted to use this post to throw up a medley of pictures that do a bit of justice in displaying the diverse cross section of athletes that have come out and joined our ranks. When I look at each picture I can't help but laugh or smile to myself thinking about all the effort and emotion that was present during the shot. Some of the funniest and best memories imaginable have been forged alongside Elite Fitness while we continue to hammer ourselves on this frozen anvil up here in New Hampshire.
Before I shutup and let you peruse a few of the over 3000 pictures we have taken so far I want to welcome Kevin, who came up and joined in the MMA training on Thursday night, he had a "euphoric" time with the rings haha. Thanks to Melissa for teaching an intro to Kettlebell training class down in Nashua on Saturday, we can't wait to see where she takes her love of coaching and she continues to amaze us with her unconditional support for our efforts here. I also want to thank all the other new guys that have recently come out to visit, meet, and try out some training with us at the MMA facility and our cozy little CrossFit NH "Ice Box".
Quite a few of the pictures below are from various WOD's that were administered this past week. The scores associated and the details for each will be amended to the post tomorrow, but I wanted everyone to just grab a seat and let their eyeballs drink it all in while taking a second to appreciate this reflection on just how far our little community has come. This has very little to do with me, all I do is type up some stuff and post pictures on a free web blog, but the true driving force for the growth we have experienced comes from the daily toil we see in our athletes.
The rest of these pics are some of my favorites from the past couple months, they represent some great memories and personal triumphs for various people that train with us and I continue to be honored to take part in assisting with those victories in any way I can.
nice samy....im pumped to get more things going on....its not below deep space temps this week so it should be alot better.
OH ps.....
I believe that is the first time in history the kevin has been caught on film in its natural environment, the gym.
Well, I am assuming this should be the first of many now that you have some CrossFit family to join around the state.
indeed....I look forward to the next thrashing.....anyone up for the hang power clean WOD? haha....second time in like 3 weeks thats come up.
Hey man,
Finally got my internet hooked up down here at Ft. Benning. Looks like everything is going awesome up there! Seems like everyday Crossfit NH is getting bigger. Congratulations.
Looks like I'm going to be pretty busy during the week, so I'm going to try and hook up with the affliate down here this weekend. Any spare time I have off you better believe I'm going to be trying to squeeze in a WOD. Good luck, and I can't wait to see the offical opening soon.
GOLLUM!! Dude we miss you bro, you would love what we were doing in there tonight trying to insulate and finish the professional look of everything to really kick things off.... you shall see soon. Make sure you post any wods and scores up in the comments, or better yet, email them to me so I can add them onto posts. Let me know how it goes with the affiliate down there and if there is anything we can do to help out. Keep us posted on what's going on with training and everything bro.
Kevin, come train here this weekend for sure if you like the hang power cleans, Mike from Dartmouth is coming down to do a fun looking WOD and I already started letting some ofthe guys that would be down for it know. It would be great to have you up so you can check out the gym and get to meet a bunch of the various guys, I'll see if David will join us and bring some more bumpers so we can all try and smash the damn floor apart. It will be a nice opening for the renovations we have been deviously working on this week.
I'm taking my shirt off when we work out from now on.
BAM BAM...you should take your pants off when you work out. greco roman style.
Gollum. i second samy's comment. we miss you man. well i am not up there. but i miss your musk
Samy, site looks awsome man. i should be able to pick up the sign quite shortly and have it sent up there. still working on the ropes as well. i also have some clamps, and in the process of getting another bar.
stay savage
If I took my pants off everone would know I was compinsating for somthing with all this working out and fighting.
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