More than any other time I need and want to say thank you to everyone that has come trudging out of their warm dens this winter to support CrossFit New Hampshire and it's aspirations. Sub-zero temperatures couldn't even stop CrossFitters from getting insane WOD's in, and now look where your dedication and excitement has taken this little family of ours up here? I would have posted this last night but to be honest I was pretty afraid that I wouldn't have the vocabulary to express this event the way it deserved.
Like I have said so many times before, this thing is successful because of the unconditional support it receives on a daily basis from people I now consider family. Most of the gear we started with was donated by CrossFitters (or "found") who trained themselves in the cold dirt that used to be our floor. The past two days of WOD's that everyone slugged through were meant to be a tribute to the first days of our journey, probably the first time the MMA team or Garage Gym crews have ever seen the same workout show it's face again. I thought it would be a great time to run the "Fight Gone Bad" session and part of the 2008 CrossFit Games WOD so the guys could really see how far they have come in a little over a month of training (MMA team's first WOD was FGB, first Garage Gym WOD was 5 rnds for time of: 5xDeadlift with 275lbs + 10 Burpees). The scores below show the previous shattered times and points attained the last time the guys did the each workout, check out how crazy the progress curve is!
As if things weren't exciting enough our affiliate mentor (affectionately referred to as "Yoda") Lisbeth Darsh has tossed up one of our gym pics on the Affiliate Blog. Just taking a look a the comments gives me chills, I will answer them after the post and include all of them up on the site with the next batch of training results that come out of tonight's WOD's. This is only a fraction of the support and help I have received from the CrossFit community, who probably changed their policy about volunteers and certs since I started stalking the instructors.
Thank you to all of the CrossFit Instructors, Affiliate Staff, Affiliate Owners, CrossFit trainers, and especially the local crazies up here in NH, can't say it enough. I'm heading down to kick off another WOD right now, more pictures and the results from Monday and Tuesday will be posted in a few hours.
Very very excited for you bud. Gonna be an even more exciting couple of months coming up.
Awesome Samy, Glad to see things rolling.
the time has come...and the time is now...keep it rolling and stay in the zone
I did 20 min on the rower tonight after the MMA class. I got 301 cals. None of the other MMA guys were there, so no scores to report for them.
Your sister also showed up to take pics. But I forgot my baby oil, so I told her we could take pics next time.
I thought you sweat baby oil...
well at least Ben was there! And stupid me, I should remember, pack the baby oil, always! haha! :o)
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