Here is a curious article I stumbled on while reading the blog over at CrossFit Endurance.com, check it out and keep your eyes open for interesting radical thoughts like this. If people are going to continue to call us contrarians and cultists then we had better live up to the standards that have been set, right? Snow Shoes in Summer?
This next link I am including will bring up a recent CrossFit Journal article that couldn't have come out at a better time. I have always appreciated the fact that a lot of these articles are free, especially the ones that are geared towards those just getting ready to take a sip of the proverbial "Kool-aid". This kind of generous distribution of information shows exactly the kind of community that CrossFit represents and I will make it a point to begin rounding up all the free articles and putting them in one area for easy accessibility. This read is a great overview of CrossFit and would benefit everyone from novice to veteran, so check it out.
"A CrossFit Startup Guide: Part I"
The last resource I will force everyone to exploit today is the
"Power Output Calculator" that Catalyst Athletics has created. This little tool will give you some amazing new insight into what is going into and coming out of your training as well as a new way to log your progress. Resources like this are definitive examples of how the CrossFit Community does whatever it can to help it's athletes succeed, keep that kind of thing in mind.
This workout was a WOD born out of a pre-workout moment of clarity which illuminated my desire to greedily overwork every skill in order to reap maximal benefits in proficiency levels. The guys were craving something unique in place of "Mr. Joshua" so I reached into the circus that is my logbook and found this pretty little gem, the pictures show just how hard everyone was working and for the first time ever we had a 100% 'exhaustion drop to the floor' rate at the end of the WOD.
6 x Deadlift (225lbs)
9 x L-sit Pull-ups
12 x Burpees
15 x Hang Power Cleans (95lbs)
Jefe 5 + 2/3
Hore-Hay 5 +1/2
Enrique 5 + "renegade windbreaker pocket"
9 x L-sit Pull-ups
12 x Burpees
15 x Hang Power Cleans (95lbs)
Jefe 5 + 2/3
Hore-Hay 5 +1/2
Enrique 5 + "renegade windbreaker pocket"
Other Training Results to Report
MMA Team (& Friends)
Results from last week
We ran two simultaneous WOD's which are described below.
The warm-ups for today involved some short, easy runs mixed into "Burgener Drills" and rehearsals of the movements that were involved in the actual WOD's.
Complete the following for time
155 pound Power clean 15 reps
30 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 12 reps
24 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 9 reps
18 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 6 reps
12 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 3 reps
6 Ring dips
We ran two simultaneous WOD's which are described below.
The warm-ups for today involved some short, easy runs mixed into "Burgener Drills" and rehearsals of the movements that were involved in the actual WOD's.
Complete the following for time
155 pound Power clean 15 reps
30 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 12 reps
24 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 9 reps
18 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 6 reps
12 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 3 reps
6 Ring dips
Ben (a.k.a."Bam Bam") 12:37*
Kevin D. 18:42
Ben (a.k.a."Bam Bam") 12:37*
Kevin D. 18:42
Both of these times were insane, and it was awesome to see how well both did with so many reps of a big load on the Power Cleans. Kevin was slaughtered by the rings, this being his first time using them and the words he used to describe the following day's soreness level was hilarious...unfortunately I can't repeat the creative mixture of vulgarity he used.
Complete as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 20:00 of
400m (.25mi) Run
15 x Burpees (chest and quads touch floor at the bottom and at the top there needs to be a jump with clap to count as a rep)
15 x Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls (45lbs)
Jeremiah 3 Rounds + 6 Burpees
Todd 2 Rounds + 15 Burpees, 13 SDHP's
Steve 5 Rounds + 15 SDHP's, 6 Burpees
Doug 3 Rounds + .25mi Run, 9 Burpees
Jim 4 Rounds +.18mi Run
Jeremiah 3 Rounds + 6 Burpees
Todd 2 Rounds + 15 Burpees, 13 SDHP's
Steve 5 Rounds + 15 SDHP's, 6 Burpees
Doug 3 Rounds + .25mi Run, 9 Burpees
Jim 4 Rounds +.18mi Run
Everyone put out some serious horsepower over the course of this WOD. It was a great way to welcome Jim and Steve and let them experience a CrossFit workout for the first time. They seemed to love every second of it...well, maybe every second except those that fell inside the 20:00 work period. It was also nice to see that everyone has payed attention and listened to all the safety points I am constantly bringing up, which eases our collective mind and allows everyone to focus more on making leaps and bounds instead of hitting the wall every time they train. Once again I am in awe of the amount of effort that Jeremiah puts into every second of the workout, from the warm-ups to the WOD itself, keep up the good work, bro.
CrossFit WOD (Friday 01.16.2009)
We modified this one because we haven't installed the GHD yet. In place of the GHD Sit-ups we used Hanging Knees-to-Elbows and for the Hip/Back Extensions we subbed Goodmornings with 95lbs.
10 K2E's
10 Goodmornings (95lbs)
95 pound Thrusters, 30 reps
50 Pull-ups
10 K2E's
10 Goodmornings (95lbs)
95 pound Thrusters, 30 reps
50 Pull-ups
30 K2E'S
30 Goodmornings (95lbs)
95 pound Thrusters, 20 reps
35 Pull-ups
30 K2E'S
30 Goodmornings (95lbs)
95 pound Thrusters, 20 reps
35 Pull-ups
50 K2E's
50 Goodmornings (95lbs)
95 pound Thrusters, 10 reps
20 Pull-ups
50 K2E's
50 Goodmornings (95lbs)
95 pound Thrusters, 10 reps
20 Pull-ups
Enrique 30:42
Hore-Hay 32:54
CrossFit WOD (Saturday 01.17.2009)
10km Run for Time
Enrique 53:30*
We might as well change this guy's nickname to "wheels".
Enrique 30:42
Hore-Hay 32:54
CrossFit WOD (Saturday 01.17.2009)
10km Run for Time
Enrique 53:30*
We might as well change this guy's nickname to "wheels".
OKAY...i did the clean and ring dip in 14:14. looks like we are playing for keeps bam bam. i didnt know we were going prison rules. its on like donky kong.
Samy, great article man. love the pic by the way...MOOOTTTTTOOOO. bam bam, did you take your shirt off when doing that clean and ring dip work out. sorry, i havent been able to get that thought out of my head since you said that a couple of blogs ago.
samy, the sign is on its way along with another bar.
stay savage
wo0oo0ot snow shoe dedication! I should have some by summer lol... hopefully much much sooner... like when snow is still on the ground.
Actually I was wearing a wife beater and I slugged a beer between each round. So try it again and post your time... the beer may help.
stay slippery
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