The workout we ran was modified from the CrossFit original Fight Gone Bad workout because we didn't have access to a rower. The workout was broken into two sessions to accommodate the volume of people and the space available, we can only hope to have to do this more and more as we go.
I used the Burgener Drills like usual and some other skill based movements with the wooden down and rings for the warm-up portion of training. As of today there is only one guy left that hasn't yet attained a muscle-up with the rings which is pretty cool (and he is close as hell). The actual wod we used is described below and followed by group and scoring breakdowns.
Fight Gone Frozen
Perform 3 x 5 minute rounds with a 1:00 recovery break between. Each round consists of 5 exercises with the athlete attempting a maximum repetition set of each in a 1:00 time limit. After each minute of a particular movement the athlete immediately rotates to the next movement. Total number of reps are calculated as points and added at completion of the workout for single tallied score. The five exercises we used are listed below:
Sumo Dead-Lift High-Pull (75lbs)
Box Jumps (24'')
Wall-Ball (25lbs)
Push-Press (75lbs)
Muscle-Ups (used for scoring similarity to calories on rower for points, as well as explosive pulling profile of the exercise compared to rowing)
The first session of the day was a brutal workout with some serious gains made my both Chris (Cpt. Toomey) and his badass wife, Lindsey. She was nice enough to comfort Chris and help pose for the picture above after the good Captain slaughtered himself in the true "austere" fashion that Crossfit NH has become synonymous with. married scores
Lindsey (2 rounds): 157 Points
Chris as RX'd: 281 Points

Jefe: 235*
Enrique: 189
Hore-Hay: 199
Gollum: 217

WOD Details from CrossFit.com: "With a continuously running clock do one 135 pound Clean and Jerk the first minute, two 135 pound Clean and Jerks the second minute, three 135 pound Clean and Jerks the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.
Use as many sets each minute as needed."

Jefe: 6 +4 reps
Hore-Hay: 6 + 5 reps
Enrique: 7 +4 reps * (also completed first Muscle-Up tonight!!)

jefe...what the hell man. what happened?
who the hell is enrique...looking good kid! hey gents. keep the intesity up. crossfit NH: the savage society has a rep to with hold. nothing more motivating than four savages getting brollic in a garage.
is lindsay the first woman of Crossfit NH? hey gents...stay savage!!
second note..i will do the 135lb clean jerk workout here and post in the comments to spice up the competition. i will have wife savage wife lindsay be my witness
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