Row 1000m
''Burgener Drill'' (PVC)
2 Rounds of
i. Down and Up x 3
ii. Elbows High and Outside x 3
iii. Muscle Clean x 3
iv. Lands x 3
v. Drops x 3
vi. Hang Squat Clean x 3
''Choose Your Own Adventure'' (02.05.2010)
Take 6500lbs from ground to overhead anyway possible for time.
Ex: Snatch, Clean and Jerk, Clean and Push Press, etc).
You may choose from the following load/rep options:
65lbs x 100 reps
95lbs x 68 reps
115lbs x 56 reps
135lbs x 48 reps
155lbs x 41 reps
Post loads and times to comments.
95lbs x 68 reps
115lbs x 56 reps
135lbs x 48 reps
155lbs x 41 reps
Post loads and times to comments.
Skill Development (02.05.2010)
Complete 100 x Ring Dips for time.
Form is primary, time component is secondary.
Post times to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (02.05.2010)
Cover as much distance as possible in your sport's prescribed time.
Swim: 10 min TT
Bike: 15 min TT
Run: 15 min TT
C2: 10 min TT
Post distances to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (02.05.2010)
Cover as much distance as possible in your sport's prescribed time.
Swim: 10 min TT
Bike: 15 min TT
Run: 15 min TT
C2: 10 min TT
Post distances to comments.
Choose Your Own Adventure
56 reps @ 115 11:10
100 ring dips 9:17
This is a great way to go out. I am so lucky to have gotten to workout with a bunch of ass kickers like you guys. I have never been around a group of people so willing to push themselves to the edge of their perceived abilities on a daily basis like you guys have. Its inspiring, and i am better both physically and mentally for it. We are all extremely lucky to have such an experienced and intelligent group of guys to lead us through the gates of hell and back. Samy, Jefe, and Mike, thank you guys for everything you have done, the amount of knowledge i am leaving the gym with is breath taking and i hope i can hold onto most of it. You have created a utopia for pain, suffering, and personal advancement like i have never seen before. Thank you again for everything and i will be back soon. Keep raising hell.
9:27 155x41 10:56 ring dip
115lbs/56reps 9:24 Rx
rings 6:06 RX
Give 'em hell Jim and good luck. Thanks for the competition, you helped push everyone to work harder and exceed their own expectations of themselves.
8:47 @ 155#
rings as Rx'd - 5:44
12:15 @ 65#
Modified Ring Dips - 7:58
Hope everyone checks out the new Crossfit Journal article written by our longtime friend Kevin O'Malley.
Thanks Jefe for the shout out buddy
65lbsx 100 reps- 11:57.
Ring dips- 9:04
Good luck Jim
100 X 65# 15.38
RD's modified (low) 8:06
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