Row 5 minutes (RPE 75%)
15 x Medicine Ball Cleans (20lbs/14lbs)
15 x Burpees
Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)
Scorpion Stretch
''Broomstick Mile'' (06.21.2010)
25 x Back Squats
25 x Front Squats
25 x Overhead Squats
Run 400 meters
25 x Shoulder Press
25 x Push Press
25 x Push Jerk
Run 400 meters
50 x Squat Cleans
Run 400 meters
50 x Snatches
Run 400 meters
Notes: If any barbells touch the ground other than at the end of a round or between reps for the Olympic Lifts there is an immediate Burpee Tax of 5 Reps.
Choose PVC, 35, 45, or 65lbs and use that load for all movements.
Post times to comments.
Skill Development (06.21.2010)
3 Rounds at your own pace of
20 x Knees-2-Elbows
20 x Barbell/Abwheel Roll-outs
CrossFit Endurance WOD (06.21.2010)
8 Rounds of (:20 on x :10 rest)
Swim: Use pool or open water
Bike: Use a Monarch ERG, stationary bike with wattage tool or something similar that can hold a load of 200+ watts
Run: Use a treadmill, set at 12% grade at 0-30 sec slower pace per mile than best 5k pace.
C2: Damper Setting 2 above average.
Post distances to comments.
"Broomstick Mile"
33:00 w/ 65lbs.
"Broomstick Mile"
35:25 @ 45lbs
I did it again, last post is mine....Chris
"Broomstick Mile"
40:15 @ 65lbs
"Broomstick Mile"
31:40 - Weenie Weight (45 lbs)
Broomstick Mile
25:36 rx'd w. treadmill (65 lbs)
Mike L.
"Broomstick Mile"
33:18 w/ 65lbs
Mike A.
44:55 rx'd 1 burpee penalty on my 40th snatch
Broomstick Mile
37:00 @ 45lbs
50:50 Rx'd @ 65 lbs
John M
Broomstick Mile
45# except OH Squats/Snatch with PVC
34:20 @45lbs
34:10 @65lbs
Broomstick Mile
45lbs as weight
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