Run 800m
3 Rounds of
''Burgener Drill''
3 x Power Snatch (45lbs)
3 x Overhead Squat (45lbs)
ITB Stretch
Hip Mobility Complex
Shoulder Opening Drill (wall)
Notes: Work up to 45lbs for the ''Burgener Drill''. Treat the Power Snatch and Overhead Squats as part of the drill for each round.
''Marauder Josh'' (07.30.2010)
Complete for time
Run 800m
21 x Overhead Squats (95/65lbs)
42 x Pull-ups
15 x Overhead Squats (95/65lbs)
30 x Pull-ups
9 x Overhead Squats (95/65lbs)
18 x Pull-ups
Notes: Wear body armor if you're feeling frisky.
Post times to comments.
Skill Development (07.30.2010)
3 Rounds at your own pace of
20 x Pistols (any rep scheme that totals 10 each leg)
:20 x L-sit/V-sit hold
20 x RDL (45lbs)
CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.30.2010)
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
4 Rounds of (5 min x 3 min rest)
Post distances to comments.
1 comment:
20100730 - Vacation WOD, Tabata Throwdown
Tabata Situps: 122
Tabata Run: 800m of hills and valleys
Tabata Chest2Deck Pushups: 63
Tabata Run: 800m of hills and valleys
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