Run 800m
Press (45lbs) x 5
Push Press (45lbs) x 5
Push Jerk (45lbs) x 5
Split Jerk (45lbs) x 5
''Burgener Drill''
Scorpion Stretch
Lunge w/ Torso Rotations
Shoulder Opening Drill (Wall)
''Overhead/Row Time Trial'' (07.09.2010)
Complete the maximum # of reps/calories possible for each of the following intervals. Any combination of Press, Push Press, Push Jerk, or Split Jerk may be used to move the load from the front rack (shoulder) to the overhead position.
Row (Kcal) x 2:30
Shoulder-to-Overhead (75%1RM) x 2:30
Row (Kcal) x 2:00
Shoulder-to-Overhead (75%1RM) x 2:00
Row (Kcal) x 1:30
Shoulder-to-Overhead (75%1RM) x 1:30
Row (Kcal) x 1:00
Shoulder-to-Overhead (75%1RM) x 1:00
Row (Kcal) x :30
Shoulder-to-Overhead (75%1RM) x :30
Notes: Total score is the sum of calories rowed and reps executed for each work interval. Use 75% of your single rep maximum for the Press to determine load used. The weight must come from the floor.
Post total score to comments.
Skill Development (07.09.2010)
3 Rounds for time of
30 x Double-unders
Prone Plank x Max Time
Left Plank x Max Time
Right Plank x Max Time
30 x Floor Wipers
Notes: Use 25-45lbs for the Prone Plank/Floor Wipers.
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (07.09.2010)
Notes: Use 25-45lbs for the Prone Plank/Floor Wipers.
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (07.09.2010)
And this is my little sister Ashley in the picture, her nicknames range from freckles to frockles.
:) pretty pumped my pic made your site!!!
looks fun. good thing i'm calling into work tomorrow so I can come in the morning :D
158 cal
53 overhead with 115lbs
13. 95cal/86 push-press@65lbs
Alt WOD WaWa Runs 15:35
Mod OHS with Air Squats
Overhead/Row Time Trial
50reps @ 110#
Great work everyone who joined in on this beasty. Enjoy the weekend!
111 Cals/63@105#
95 cal/ 114 reps @75
120cal/ 91 reps @ 85
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