
''Pushing Diabolic and Non-Compliance'' (01.11.2011)

Warm-up Drills (01.11.2011)
Run 800m
''Burgener Drill'' (2Rnds/PVC)
12-9-6 reps each of
Deadlift (45lbs)
Thruster (45lbs)
Overhead Squat (45lbs)
-Shoulder Dislocates (PVC)
-Sumo Squats
-Inchworms-Cobra Stretch
-Scorpion Stretch

''Pushing Diabolic'' (01.11.2011)
21-15-9 reps/kcal for time
Row (kcal)
DB Split Jerk (50/30lbs)
Ring Dips

Post times to comments.

''Non-Compliance'' (01.11.2011)
Complete 4 Rounds for time of
25 x Slamball (20lbs)
:20 x Ring Prone Plank
15 x Abmat Sit-ups
:10 x L-sit/V-sit

Notes: The Slamball must be caught on it's first bounce for a rep to be legitimate. Ring Prone Planks require a stable, straight midline to be maintained while in position if any time is to be accumulated. The Planks and L-sits should be completed in as few attempts as possible.

Feeling Frisky?
If it's an epic challenge you seek feel free to scale up the holds and movements as follows: For the Slamball stand on two bumper plates (45's) with a minimum of 12'' of space between them, and try to catch the Slamball despite the elevation disadvantage. Ring Planks get a bit tougher if they include a bumper plate being placed across the shoulder blades and mid-back. Abmat Sit-ups simply become weighted, bring the Slamball from above the head to beyond the feet during each repetition.

Post times and any ''frisky decisions'' to comments.

Mobility WOD

CrossFit Endurance WOD (01.11.2011)
''Time Trial''
Swim: 20 min
Bike: 60 min
Run: 60 min
C2: 20 min

Notes: Cover as much distance as possible in the time allotted.

Post distances to comments.


ricky said...

15.57@ 45


Marcus said...

Pushing Diabolic 15:59 @ 40lb

Non-Compliance 13:35

John M said...

Pushing Diabolic 18:27 @ 50lb
Non-Compliance 13:33

Khan said...

"Pushing Diabolic"
18:58 w/35lbs

9:57 w/20lb slamball on 35lb bumpers

Anonymous said...

Pushing Diabolic:
18:40 w/ 20# DB
10:03 w/ 12# slamball

Anonymous said...

"Pushing Diabolic"
15:02 w/ 20# DB
10:44 w/ 20lbs Slamball &35lb bumperplate

#1 thing I love to do @ crossfit is slamball!
laura b.

Anonymous said...

"Pushing Diabetic" Time 16:03 50# dbs
"Non Compliance" 10:21


Anonymous said...

Lance says
CrossFit Endurance WOD (01.11.2011)
''Time Trial''
Bike: 60 min
17.5 miles @ 15 degree incline

Derek said...

Mobility WOD

52 mintues minus 8 where i stopped into wings your way to talk to my manager.

I bought this neat watch that is supposed to record distance. It says i only ran 6.201 Km in 52 mins. there is noo way that can be right!

SRD said...

''Pushing Diabolic''
21-15-9 reps/kcal for time
Row (kcal)
DB Split Jerk (50lbs)
Ring Dips


Complete 4 Rounds for time of
25 x Slamball (20lbs)
:20 x Ring Prone Plank
15 x GHD Sit-ups
:10 x L-sit

13:?? w/30lb vest

Today I finally got to play with the 50lb toys Dan-ta Claus left me for Christmas. Wish I got coal instead. No,wait... less than 50lbs of coal.

Felt ''Frisky'' enough to try Slamballs from a normal human's height (used bumpers as stilts) and it was just as I had suspected all along. Being tall is a horrible experience.

SRD said...

Derek: You most likely have to input something about your height or the average length of your stride if what you're using is what I think it is. Bring it into the gym with the instruction manual and we'll try and set it up for a little more accuracy in tracking distances.

Derek said...

Yeah I need to figure out my stride while running.

Kristina said...

Pushing Diabolic
14:03 w/25lbs

11:55 w/20lb slamball

Peter said...

Pushing Diabolic
19:13 - 30#
(an auspicious time for the date, as Dan pointed out) and...Sufficiently frisky sans embellishment.

Colby said...

Pushing Diabolic
17:44 at 40 lbs.

13:21 - My organs!

Most likely in in the afternoon tomorrow due to the snow.
Nice time, Peter.

matt mansfield said...

Pushing Diabolic
16:57 with 35lb DB split jerk

13:39 with 20lb slamball, mod L-sit


Indy said...

Pushing Diabolic
14:02 with 45lbs DB

9:07 with 20 lbs slam ball.

Callie said...

20:21 and 11:17

Anonymous said...

Kevin .T
14:22 30lbs part two 9:15

0 said...

Pushing Diabolic



Anonymous said...

17:43 (35#)/12:30 (20#)

Mtn Rob said...

Pushing Diabolic
20:45 w/35lb
Non compliance