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We prefer those that have questions please E-mail us, thanks!
Samy Daghir:
Training Schedule
Monday-Friday5:o0am WOD
6:00am WOD
7:00am WOD
8:00am WOD
9:00am WOD
4:00pm WOD
5:00pm WOD
6:00pm WOD
Saturday8-10 Open Gym/Skill Development
*It is the athlete's responsibility to allow themselves enough time for their prescribed pre-WOD training.
4:00pm WOD
5:00pm WOD
6:00pm WOD
Saturday8-10 Open Gym/Skill Development
*It is the athlete's responsibility to allow themselves enough time for their prescribed pre-WOD training.
*We request that those wishing to join a training group let us know at least 24 hours in advance.
*If you are new to CrossFit and interested in training with us please call or email us with any questions or concerns.
Understanding the Daily Posts:
If you are unfamiliar or new to CrossFit and the methods we use then please request assistance on proper technique and execution of training evolutions before attempting to undertake the WODs we post.
*If you are new to CrossFit and interested in training with us please call or email us with any questions or concerns.

The daily posts contain the training for the day in their pure prescribed form as well as any news/educational content we would like to pass on to our athletes.
A great place to begin learning about what we do here would be our Archives, where all the old WODs, training results, and piles of information await.
Our WODs (workouts of the day) contain programming from CrossFit Inc., CrossFit Endurance, Mike Burgener's Olympic Lifting training, Catalyst Athletics Olympic Lifting training, and several other excellent sources of world class strength and conditioning programming/information.
The first WOD listed will always be a CrossFit Mainsite WOD or a CrossFit NH WOD followed by another type of training for you to supplement your daily regimen with.

If you are not a NH CrossFitter and would like additional contact resources please ask and we will refer you to a CrossFit Affiliate near so that you have a home in which to receive professional coaching.
Athlete safety is paramount and we take the welfare of those we coach seriously, often scaling to the individual so they can take the most out of their training.
If there is any way in which the staff at CrossFit NH can assist you in your aspirations for elite fitness please let us know. It matters not whether you are near us or on the other side of the globe, this community has been amazing to us and we look forward to helping CrossFitters in any way we can.
Feel free to contact us anytime.
Great WOD today, thanks for letting me participate. See you next time I'm in town.
Next time try the email address for questions, and be sure to put a name and return contact method.
does cross fit still take place in manch. just trying to contact someone to know if i can just show up. Thanks looks challenging. I'm siked
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