Row 500m
3 Rounds of the Burgener Drill (PVC)
i. Down and Up x 3
ii. Elbows High and Outside x 3
iii. Muscle Snatch x 3
iv. Snatch Lands x 3
v. Snatch Drops x 3
vi. Hang Squat Snatch x 3
''Atlas'' (09.22.2009)
7 rounds for time of:
4 x Snatch (45lbs)
4 x Overhead Squat (45lbs)
4 x Overhead walking lunge (45lbs)
21 x Abmat Sit-ups
Use a single 45lb barbell, transitioning from one movement directly into the next.
Post time to comments.
Skill Development (09.22.2009)
Complete the following at your own pace.
50 x Double-unders
30 x Kettlebell Swings (16kg)
25 x Double-unders
15 x Kettlebell Swings (16kg)
Note: If you do not have Double-unders yet substitute ''Double-under attempts'' as twice the number prescribed.
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (09.22.2009)
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (09.22.2009)
11:11 rx'd...finally
20090922 - Atlas
9:29 rx'd
Atlas 11:08 rx'd
B-Day NBC WOD 6:22 (27 Rounds)
10:11 rx'd
"Atlas"- 14:57/7rounds=2.14min per round
11:34 rx
"Atlas"-14.57/7rounds=2.14min per round
9:00min/500yds=1:48min per 100yds
5-100yd intervals @1:40 min(20sec off)
Stunt Mike
as rx'd 14:55
Samy Jefe Mike Katie Jill RJ and OD,
I would like to apologize for falling off of the face of the world. I got a job as a technician at the local Chevy dealer, and have been rediculously busy getting caught up on my training since I have been out of the dealer for 2 years. I thought moving down here and working out on my own would be a piece of cake. That was a big mistake. I have been kind of wallowing around not doing a whole lot, but that is about to change. I was at Target today and saw a van with Crossfit Lynchburg on it. I walked past and said "Cool, the Crossfit Lynchburg people" Then I realized that there was no affiliate here. Well apparantly there IS NOW!!!!! So, tomorrow I'm going to be figuring out where the hell they are so I can get going again.
OD I am stoked to see you are sticking with it, GOOD FOR YOU!!!! Keep it up, and even though I haven't been posting I have been reading.
Hope everything is going well for everyone, hope to hear from ya'll soon.
Kent aka K$ aka Brian
PS, the place looks great, can't wait to visit
as Rx'd
time: 10:22
As rx'd
And double unders...........@#^&%$^&!!
I'll get them......some day.
kent! so nice to hear from you...we all miss the hell outta you! that's awesome that there is an affiliate out there, that way you can let your man out! working out on your own blows, so once you meet peeps at the gym i'm sure you'll get back into the kettle bell swing of things! we still have a wall of katie sayings, sadly that list keeps growing. hope to hear back from you soon. keep us updated on your progress.
ps-yes, andy misses your crotch
8:31 rx'd
Sick scores today Savages, today was brutal. My army of fire breathers is growing down here, so we might actually be getting a Club Sport here and we'd be a legitimate team on campus which is going to be awesome. A few more steps as far as the University is concerned, but I'm crossing my fingers to get us off the ground by the end of the year. I'll be sure to keep everyone posted, but look for a "team" from UML in the near future. I want to see if other colleges have "teams" so we can get together for some mayhem like Fight Gone Bad! or something to that degree, or even try to get a representation at the regional qualifiers in the coming years. Siiiiiiiiiiick.
Mike L.: 9:52 rx'd
Atlas Rx'd @ 8:01
Kent I was just thinking of you the other day! Nice to hear you are still checking in. Yes I am here and getting stronger everyday thanks to the support of all my fellow crossfitters :) Get back into working out and keep us posted as to your progress. Stop by and visit if you come back up here we miss you.
Atlas -
11:55 15lbs
Bada Bing
19:54 rx'd
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