Row 1000m
21-15-9 reps each of:
PVC Thrusters
PVC Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
''Daniel'' (09.17.2009)
Complete the following for time:
50 x Pull-ups
400m Run
21 x Thrusters (95lbs)
800 meter run
21 x Thrusters (95lbs)
400m Run
50 x Pull-ups
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CrossFit Endurance Hero WOD ''Jerry'' (09.17.2009)
Sergeant Major Jerry Patton died on 15 October 2008 during a Military Free Fall operation while assigned to United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). Jerry was a Warrior among Soldiers, a hero to his family, and a man among men. Jerry is survived by his wife Molly and his sons Chad, Cody, Chase and Connor.
Run: 4 x 5k Time Trial... Deviate no more then 2 min from fastest 5k. Recover 5-15 min between efforts.
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So I discovered that there is a side effect to Operation Red Obelisk and breathing fire at the Rec Center. I call it the Bro-Hammer Offensive Effect. Basically, I've noticed that a lot of the bros have been watching me and my fire breathers kill WODs, and they have dumb stricken looks on their faces as we do snatches and cleans, as if they were thinking "Hey wait, thats not dumbbell curls..." But I've taken note of a new phenomenon. Now the bros are bumbling around with oly bars and trying to figure out what we are doing. This evening while I was doing the endurance WOD, one tried taking a C2 for a spin only to give up on it after he realized it wasn't a leg press machine.
These observations lead me to a few possible conclusions and scenarios. The first (and least likely to happen), is that the brosephs will evolve into fire breathers and the Rec Center will have no choice but to accommodate our needs. The second, and I assume most probable, is that the bros end up heavily injuring or killing themselves off, and then my fire breathers and I will have the Rec Center to ourselves.
Either route would be acceptable to me, but we'll see what the future holds.
Option number three: You and said broseph's begin dating, really hit things off, settle down together and enjoy a long relationship that culminates with procreation and several little Bert-seph's emerge as a hybrid generation of excessively tanned CrossFitters.
LOL!!! Option 3 is a bit creepy but quite hilarious
65lb barbell thrusters for the WOD
Bert, great stories dude.
Daniel as RX'd, 27:55
45lb thrusters, black band
20090917 - Daniel
27:57 rx'd
While I was warming up today, I noticed that there was someone else doing something very peculiar, thrusters. As I had not ever seen anyone else do thrusters at the Rec Center, I decided to watch this character as he progressed, and sure enough, he was doing Daniel as well. Needless to say, I approached him and we got to talking about everything, and it turns out he just got out from active duty with the Army. I am no longer alone. We are building a legion of crossfitters here. This is good.
Daniel w/ 65#
daniel- 31:26 rx
Daniel - 24:29 65lbs No/Blue/Green Band
as Rx'd
21:07 as Rx'd
I liked this one a lot.
Damn staff meeting prevented me from waging war on my body.....Today I am having DT's. I need a savage beating to make up for the lost WOD yesterday. Samy, I think today's WOD will fit the bill.
Danial WOD
23:31 Rx'd
28:53 with 55 lbs
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