Row 500m
21 x Wallball
Row 500m
''Virtual Shoveling'' (09.25.2009)
For time 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, and 5 rep rounds of:
Virtual shoveling (45/25lbs) Demo Video
Post time to comments.
Skill Development (09.25.2009)
50 x Knees-2-Elbows
CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.25.2009)
Swim: 2 x 6 min, Rest 2 min between intervals
Bike: 2 x 12 min, Rest 2 min between intervals
Run: 2 x 10min, Rest 2 min between intervals
C2: 2 x 7min, Rest 2 min between intervals
Cover as much distance as possible.
Post distances to comments.
Are we to assume that we put 45lbs on the barbell?
I could answer your question but it would take away all the fun you'll have by clicking on the video demo link next to the words ''Virtual Shoveling''.
Sign your posts, so I can mock you tomorrow.
Anonymous is Legion bearded one.
"Virtual Shoveling"
30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5 reps of Shovelling with 25lbs on the barbell (cause my lumbar curve still sucks...) and push-ups.
Time: 11:45
"Virtual shoveling"(45lbs)/push-ups
30/25/20/15/10/5 reps
15:14/6rounds=2.5 min per round
Virtual shoveling
Mike L.: 14:45
13:27 virtual shoveling and push ups Rx'd
Have an awesome weekend
3 rounds for time
500m row
12 deadlift
9 front squat
6 push press
20090925 - Virtual Shoveling
19:14 rx'd
Virtual Shoveling
13:48 25lbs
Virtual Shoveling
14:57 25lbs
17:59 rx'd
18:52 20lbs
Virtual Shoveling Update
14:52 25lbs
Bada Bing
Virtual Shoveling as rx'd
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