Row 1000m
15 x Kettlebell Swings (1.5-2 pood)
15 x Pull-ups
''Fat Helen'' (09.04.2009)
Complete 3 Rounds for time of
Run 400m
21 x Kettlebell Swings (2-pood)
15 x Pull-ups
Post time to comments.
Skill Development (09.04.2009)
30 x Squat Snatch (45lbs)
CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.04.2009)
Time Trials
Swim: 400m TT
Bike: 8 mile TT
Run: 1.5 mile TT
C2: 2k TT
Post time to comments.
Fat Helen
14:44 rx'd...2 pood k-bell is horrific
Have a great labor day weekend everyone!
i miss all you freaks. i cant wait to slay fat helen in a little.
JoeF\"Fat Helen"
Fat Helen
400m run
21 X 1.5 pood kettle bells
15 X kipping pull ups
Cha Cha, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Good thing you left when you did...Samy was going to make you do 44 burpes. Which is weird seeing as though it's your 22nd birthday! Oh you young buck!
Have a great Labor Day weekend peeps. explosions everywhere!
happy birthday chacha you sexy mama you!!!!! Happy labor day to all (and lets think of the fighting men and women out there who are away from loved ones protecting our asses so we can have a few wobbly pops and stuf four faces at cookouts with non zone favorable foods and relax.
Billy the Tuff.
Whats going on Crossfit NH?! I miss you guys and it looks like you have grown like Sammys beard since I've left. I finally updated the FoGLe blog and will be trying to stick with it regulary. So if your bored I shall be posting and hopefully have some pics of my beautiful oil platform that im calling home right now. Im looking forward to my return in 2010. Mandatory sock fouls when I return!
Fat Helen
Fat Helen
As RX'd
Lynn -
3 rounds
400 m run/42 kettlebell swings 16K/15 pull ups
fat helen, as rx'd
she needs to get on the zone asap.
miss the stable.
Don, the Stable misses you as well... even though we don't usually endorse emotional displays of affection like that.
Cha-Cha, don't worry about missing your Birthday Burpees. I've still got them set aside for you to enjoy at your leisure.
Fogle, Yesssss! I'll be on your blog shortly leaving comments worth getting arrested for.
OD, we missed you this week so heal up and get back in here for more slay-fests.
Everyone did very very well over the course of the last 5 WODs, which were pretty brutal. We are consistently amazed at the effort and resulting progress made by all you freaks daily. Be ready for a team WOD from the pits of hell on Monday morning...
DUDE! FU Samy. Team wod with out me? low blow man.
Happy Labor Day weekend everyone. Samy's right this was a particularly brutal week for all of us, excellent work by all. Remember that the times and loads aren't ALWAYS the most important thing. Sometimes the victory is just having the guts to finish the WOD, the day, the week or whatever else might be thrown on our plates.
It's great to see all these new faces that are already making HUGE gains. We also look forward to seeing our old buddies from the days on the dirt floor. Fogle, Pepe, Bert, Matt, and anyone that I may have missed, we look forward to your next thrashing with us. Oh yeah, there was that guy named Edgar. Samy, did we ever figure out what happened to him? Come as you are, our door is always open. Staci, sorry I made your sister snarf her water.
Fat Helen:
14:47 rx'd
20:04 rx'd
15:52 Rx'd
Fat Helen
1.5 pood/black band one knee pull ups
Ugh.......Turning 44 slowed me down.....Samy I am ready for the burpees anytime bring them on. Thanks for the birthday wishes. You guys are the best.
18:03 1.5 pood, black band pull-ups
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