Complete the following at your own pace
400m Run
3 rounds of
7 x Front Squat (PVC)
7 x Push Press (PVC)
7 x Sumo Deadlift High-Pull (PVC)
''Task Priority Fight Gone Bad!'' (09.21.2009)
Complete 3 rounds for time of:
20 x Wall-ball (20lbs)
20 x Sumo Deadlift High-Pull (75lbs)
20 x Box Jump (20")
20 x Push Press (75lbs)
20 x Row (Calories)
Post time to comments.
Skill Development (09.21.2009)
3 rounds at your own pace of
12 x Windshield Wipers
12 x Goodmornings (45lbs)
CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.21.2009)
''10 x Repeats''
Swim: 10 x 50m/y with 5 times the recovery (if it takes you 30 seconds to swim 50m/y then you rest 2:30).
Bike: 10 x 1/4 mile with 5 times the recovery (if it takes 30 seconds to bike the 1/4 mile then you recover 2:30)
Run: 10 x 200m with 5 times the recovery (if it takes 40 seconds to run the 200m then you recover 3:20)
C2: 10 x 250m with 5 times the recovery (if it takes 45 seconds to row 250m then you recover 3:45)
Post times to comments.
65lb SDHP and Push Press, 14lb med ball clean
good to see od is still out of her mind. miss you guys.
"Task priority fight gone bad"-75 lbs
28:15/3rounds=9.4min per round
"Task Priority Fight Gone Bad"
20:22 as Rx'd
Task Priority Fight Gone Bad
RX'd 19:20...
Task Priority Fight Gone Bad
2 rnds/45lb/14lb med ball
20:51 Rx'd
31:47 14/65
Task Priority Fight Gone Bad
Mike L.: 19:56 rxd
Kristie: 37:? 65#
Mark Rx'd 20:11
17:47 Rx'd
as Rx'd
65 lbs / 14 lb medball / lots of complaining
shout out to the donn.
oh and it's only monday...nice job today everyone. holla
Fight gone really bad - my shoulders are killing me.......so I am thinking to myself I am never taking days off again because Monday sucks when you have been living 'lavida loca' (spelling? not sure I am french and italian give a girl a break)on the weekend and could not attend thursday and friday cause work got in the way......So anyway I did the WOD in 27: and some change. I gotta tell you I was gassed after the first set of wall balls, SDHP's and box jumps....but I forged on and who did I have at my side but the fitness nazi telling me to breathe and it is only mind over matter.....yeah right tell that to my brain that was sucking its last bits of oxygen making me dizzy throughout the WOD.....despite my lack of oxygen to the brain I completed the task using a 14lb medball/65 lb bar and guess what I lived to tell the tale and come back tomorrow for more ass kicking fun. Thanks Samy and the Stable Crew for cheering me on.
"Task Priority -Fight Gone Bad"
65#/14# med ball
20090921 - Task Priority Fight Gone Bad!
Subbed Wallball for Thrusters @ 45lbs
Absolute Brutality
25:25 rx'd
Task Priority Fight Gone Bad
Mike C. 17:30 rx'd
Jill 29:05 65 lbs/ 14 lb wall ball
28:03 45 lbs/14 lb wall ball
rounds of 15, 12 and 9
as rx'd
Hi All,
OD checking in. I made it through the workout, even the box jumps but only because Samy drew a picture of himself with horns on the board for me to look at after each jump. Somehow it worked well. I forgot to look at my time I was just so glad to be done. Samy the devil, works for me!
30:09 Rx'd
Bada Bing
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