
''The Broomstick Mile'' (09.10.2009)

Warm-up Drills (09.10.2009)
1000m Row
Samson Stretch
Hip Mobility Drill
Link: Hip Mobility Drill Demo Video

''The Broomstick Mile'' (09.10.2009)
25 x Back Squats
25 x Front Squats
25 x Overhead Squats
Run 400 meters
25 x Shoulder Press
25 x Push Press
25 x Push Jerk
Run 400 meters
50 x Squat Cleans
Run 400 meters
50 x Snatches
Run 400 meters

Use PVC pipe/25lb/45lb Barbell for all the movements.
Putting your barbell or PVC down other than for the 400m runs earns 5 burpees per offense.

Post time to comments.

Skill Development (09.10.2009)
Complete one of the following options at your own pace:
9 x Full Extension Muscle-ups
15 x False Grip Ring Pull-ups
15 x Ring Dips
21 x Pull-ups
21 x Paralette Dips

CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.10.2009)
1:1 Pacing
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
3 Rounds of
1:00 x 1:00 rest
1:00 x 1:00 rest
1:00 x 1:00 rest
Hold distances as close to your best score as possible.
You will work a total of nine minutes in this WOD.

Post distances to comments.


Anonymous said...

*SLAM* the hammer falls.
Who conjured up this madness? I LIKE IT.

Anonymous said...

It looks bad but I have a feeling its not as bad as it looks


Anonymous said...

Broomstick Mile

29:11 with 45lb barbell, no fouls.


Anonymous said...

Well, not as bad as I thought, but still not easy.

Broomstick Mile
Time: 33:21


Anonymous said...

Broomstick Mile 45# Bar



Samy - I am planning on coming in around 7ish. Will do my rowing and skill dev. Then we can go do that errand you spoke of if you want?

SRD said...

Mark, thanks that sounds great. I'll see Dos Deb in a bit here, she is dying to get rid of that thing... which is strangely appropriate.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Broomstick Mile
28:40 15 pounds and NO burpees hehehehehe......oooh that could get me into trouble.......


katie said...

Broomstick mile

25lbs barbell
5 laps around my house (guesstimating = about 400m)
and 3 times stepped in dog poop, different piles in case anyone was wondering. Thanks Andy.

jefe'- i think we need to clean up the yard!

Big Ben said...

broomstick mile


Anonymous said...

28:08 RX'd


The Don said...

andy needs to get busy and eat his own fecal matter.

Anonymous said...

Broomstick Mile w/baby bar

Anonymous said...

As Rx'd



Anonymous said...

Broomstick Mile

25:19 rx'd

Mike L.

Kristina said...

Broomstick Mile


Anonymous said...

broomstick mile as rx'd--don't get to say that often.



Anonymous said...

Broomstick mile - no I am not a witch! Used the PVC pipe for a time of 27.27. Not bad for an old lady


Anonymous said...

Broomstick Mile - 25lb


Bada Bing - even though you got stuck doing a set of burpees, you finished strong. Way to go!

Anonymous said...

whoop... above is Dos Deb... lol

Anonymous said...

Broomstick Mile - 15 lbs for 29:10 I think if I remember right. It was 29 something. I always forget my cell phone to take a picture. ~Staci

Anonymous said...

Broomstick Mile 45lbs for 38:31

Sam aka Bada Bing

Anonymous said...

24:50 with the 25lb bar.
