We will be opening today at 5:30pm for the afternoon mayhem, we apologize for any inconvenience this causes. This shift in hours is only for today.
Warm-up Drills (06.18.2010)
Run 800m
9 Fundamentals x 7 reps each (PVC)
Hip Mobility Complex
Inch Worms
''Shoot and Move'' (06.18.2010)
Complete 3 Rounds for time of
500m Row
15 x Clean and Jerk (135/95lbs)
30 x GHD Sit-ups
Post times to comments.
Skill Development (06.18.2010)
Perform 3-5 Rounds of the following ''Ring Sequence''.
If possible move from start to finish without resting or coming off the rings.
Warm-up Drills (06.18.2010)
Run 800m
9 Fundamentals x 7 reps each (PVC)
Hip Mobility Complex
Inch Worms
''Shoot and Move'' (06.18.2010)
Complete 3 Rounds for time of
500m Row
15 x Clean and Jerk (135/95lbs)
30 x GHD Sit-ups
Post times to comments.
Skill Development (06.18.2010)
Perform 3-5 Rounds of the following ''Ring Sequence''.
If possible move from start to finish without resting or coming off the rings.
Ring Sequence:
Muscle-up x 1
Ring Dip to max depth with :02 hold at bottom x 2
Support x :10
Ring Dip to max depth with :02 hold at bottom x 2
Muscle-up x 1
Notes: Muscle-ups start at full extension with turn-out and finish in the support with turn-out.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (06.18.2010)
''Time Trial''
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
20 minute Time Trial
Post distances to comments.
Muscle-up x 1
Ring Dip to max depth with :02 hold at bottom x 2
Support x :10
Ring Dip to max depth with :02 hold at bottom x 2
Muscle-up x 1
Notes: Muscle-ups start at full extension with turn-out and finish in the support with turn-out.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (06.18.2010)
''Time Trial''
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
20 minute Time Trial
Post distances to comments.
23:42 rxd
Killer gym and great vibe. Thanks for having me in today Sami and Kyle. I greatly appreciate it!!!!!!!
Sean from Park City.
Shoot and Move 26:25 105#
6. 28:09(65lbs)
"Shoot and Move"
20:43 Rx'd
"Shoot and Move"
18:58 95lbs/Abmat
Great being back after getting backed over by the "wagon". Troy shirts came out great thank you.
Now I know why it took me soooo long
35:47..... BUT I did 30 clean & jerks each time!
Shoot and Move
20:18 85lbs/GHD
Best picture ever of Deuce
Laura, you are out of your mind. Carry on.
23:20 rx'd
24:14 abmat/ 135lbs
28:40 Rx'd
John M
Shoot & Move
29:50 95#/GHD
Shoot and Move
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