
''Tabata Frenzy II.'' (07.16.2010)

Semper Fi, Derek!

Warm-up Drills (07.16.2010)
Run 400m
Hip Mobility Complex
Samson Stretch (forward and lateral)
9 Fundamentals x 5 reps each (45lbs)
''Burgener Drill'' x 2 Rounds (PVC/45lbs)

''Tabata Frenzy II.'' (07.16.2010)
Complete 200 Double-unders in as few ''Tabata'' intervals as possible.
8 rounds of (:20 work x :10 rest)
Deadlift (225/185lbs)
8 rounds of (:20 work x :10 rest)
Air Squats
Complete 100 Double-unders in as few ''Tabata'' intervals as possible.

Notes: The :10 rest intervals are to also be used as transition time between movements.

Post # of rounds needed to complete all the Double-unders (300 total) and total reps for Deadlifts and Air Squats.

Skill Development (07.16.2010)
Rest for Monday...

CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.16.2010)
''The Lactate Shuttle''
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)

5:00 on x 2:30 rest,
6:00 on x 3:00 rest,
7:00 on... Done!

Notes: All work intervals are maximal effort, attempt to cover as much distance as possible.

Post distances to comments.


Troy said...

"Tabata Frenzy II"

148 Reps, 14 Rounds Rx'd

Congrats Derelict!

Anonymous said...

Tabata Frenzy Part Deux!
162 reps @ 225#/ air squats
16rounds total of double unders


Anonymous said...

15. 135reps(155lbs)/21rounds

John M said...

132 Reps (225lbs)/air squats
43 rounds

Anonymous said...

Tabata frenzy 2

177 reps,225#/12 rds

Dan H

Anonymous said...

11 rds:6 for the first set, 5 for the second.
172 reps: 40 deadlft@225 and 132 air squat.


Anonymous said...

12 rounds du's
23 deadlift @ 185lbs
126 air squats


Puzzanghera said...

Thanks man, i'll be in on monday! Can't get lazy on boot leave.

Peter said...

33 reps of Single Unders x 4
135# D.L.+ Squats
117 reps total