
''The Nightmare Before Christmas WOD'' (12.24.2010)

Holiday Training Schedule
Friday: 2-4pm
Saturday: Closed

The ''Nightmare Before Christmas'' WOD kicks off this afternoon at 2pm.

Just like the ambush staged for the Halloween WOD, everyone will have to wait until 2pm to see what's in store... it will be posted on the white board awaiting our crew's arrival.

This is going to be one merry slayer of a Christmas Eve as we celebrate with our friends and family the best way we know how.


Waldo said...


Mtn Rob said...

20:14 There and back again

0 said...

C&J @ 135
P. Press @ 115
KB Swings @ The Cadillac
SDHP @ 115


Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

SRD said...

That was truly epic. What a blast.


Colby said...

Epic WOD. Quite fun too.

Merry Christmas all!

Nick said...


Great to be back, I'll see you guys in a few months.


Joey C said...


good times

Joey C

Anonymous said...

39:06 (with modified muscle ups and lousy pistols)

I would have never thought a year ago that a highlight of my Xmas Eve would be a forty minute Crossfit beating; anyway, Merry Christmas to everyone and we look forward to another year...Jeff B. (and Laura as she probably won't post and doesn't want more burpees!!!

Waldo said...

36:45 @ 115

It was a beating -- but a really fun one.

- Jeff L.

Khan said...

95lbs, 24kg, 24"

Peter said...

Nightmare before Christmas...truly was. Mass confusion. Ended up (after correction midway through) Pyramid 1- 12 - 1
85#/modified MU/20" box jumps/modified pistols/blue bands for HSPU