''Team Nutts'' (11.24.2011)
With only one teammate going at a time work through the following movements.
10 x Handstand Push-ups
15 x Tire Flips/Deadlift
25 x Box Jumps (30'')
50 x Pull-ups
100/50 x Wallball/Team Ball
200 x Double-unders
Run 400m (45lbs)
Notes: Each athlete must accomplish the rep load prescribed, where the two exceptions are tire flips can be both teammates together on the Biggie McBadass tire or 15 reps per athlete on the conservative option for tire size. Wallball shots are each individual for 100 reps or team wall ball back and forth over a pullup bar (9 feet) for 50 reps. Each athlete must carry the bumper plate for 400m total. Enjoy freaks, earn your battle turkey.
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Hey...we were told the gym was closed today..we woulda been there!
Team Nutts: 17:28 I believe? and completed with Samy
Team Nutts with Colm - oh Yeah!!
Due to misdirection we ran 800M each with 45# (Colm) and 25# (Peter); SUx2 Peter;
63:14 with mtn rob. Yaaaaa. Beat that bitches. Hah.
Team Nutts with Mitch
Random bloody nose in the middle of HSPU, win.
I thought WE, (team chery legs), had it at 45:35!
Ah, Nuts!!
Correction on the time
Heheh probably pretty easy to beat that Callie.
Team Nuts! 54:30 - IN the running!!
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